Chapter 197

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Hey! I walked into Chanel and heard a voice. I looked up and India was in my face.

Hey! I said with a slight smile. I really didn't wanna be mean to her. India seemed like a really nice girl and I know her and Legend had something going on recently. My problem with that wasn't with her it was with Legend. Legend owed me loyalty not her.

Hey Majesty darling how's mom? My aunt Monica smiled coming from the back.

Hey Aunty, she's okay as can be expected.

Awwww, send her my love and I got a bag coming her way that I know will cheer her up. I gotta help these customers you ladies let me know if you need help!

Wow you have an aunt that works here? India said surprised.

Yeah her and my parents been knowing her since they where teens so yeah!

That's crazy, so do you get like free stuff from here or crazy discounts?

No, we'll we get discounts only cause we are VIP members!

Oh wow! Chanel is one of my favorite designers I wish I had it like that....I'm just here to buy myself a graduation present! She said shyly. I know I was always blessed to live in the family that I do. My parents was the definition of money so they made sure we had it. I just didn't like how I could afford so much and so many people can't.

Allow me! I said with a smile. "Look I really appreciate what you had did for me that day back at the school!"

Look it's no big, I wanna be a nurse so it was just my first instinct to help someone in need.

Well thank you, I appreciate it! So get whatever you want it's on me! I said with a smile. I just wanted to do a good deed and do something for someone else for once. She gave a sly smile and picked back up the purse she was looking at. "Do you want the matching heels to go with it? A girl can't have a bag without the shoes!" I said smiling picking up the hot pink Chanel purse.

Aunty Monica can you ring this up for her! I smile grabbing my things. I grabbed me and my mom matching purses. These baby blue Chanel totes was everything. If you know my mom you know she lives and breathes Chanel! I grabbed Miracle the matching book bag and wallet set. My baby girl been so down since our father passed away. I still can't believe out of all the stuff he been through in life he left us like that! If I ever got the chance in life to be faced with that lady I swear I'd kill her!

You know Majesty I do wanna say sorry for your loss. I know we haven't really never said anything to each other yet alone been found of each other for dealing with Legend but I do know what it's like to lose a sorry for your loss!

Thank you India! I said forcing a smile on my face. It just seemed like everything was so unreal.

Speaking is Legend? I'm sorry for's just that I don't handle break ups well! I think about him non stop and I know I shouldn't but I do and I'm sorry! She said damn near about to cry.

He's.....he's good! I said looking up.
Legend was at the window outside talking on the phone. I gave Julia my card and paid for everything. I was kinda nervous about what he would say when we walked out together.
I'm not sure what they actually had going on with each other but I did know she really did like him though. And I literally gave him to her.....I guess in some sense I was just hoping he would fight for me and wouldn't of let me go that easy.

Legend walked in and seen us talking, he bit the side of his lip as he hesitated to walk towards us.

You got everything you needed? He asked taking my bags from me.


Hi legend! India said trying to get his attention. He nodded his head at her and looked away. Tears filled her eyes again.

Thanks baby, it was nice seeing you India! I smiled a bit and began to walk away. It was to much hurt all over her face. Legend followed behind me as we walked to his car. He put my bags in his trunk and got in. "Before you say anything, we just had a small conversation and I was just thanking her from the help she gave me the other day.!"

I wasn't gone say anything but you need to watch her....she's sneaky very very very sneaky all that shit back there was an act.!  She already told me she'll do whatever it takes to get me back.

Do you wanna go back?


Okay than, I'm not worried about it one bit!

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