Chapter 133

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Thank you! Halo said as I handed her, her pain meds and a glass of water.

I'm bouta head out you need anything else?

Can you please just lay with me for a minute I could use the body heat! She said shivering and shaking. I bit my lip for a second than layed beside her. I pulled the covers over her and held her in my arms. "Thank you Micah!" She said with gritted teeth.

Don't mention it! Just concentrate on warming up.

I'm sorry for everything....I bet Queens worried about where you are and where you been! She seems like a nice girl!

She is! Don't worry about her though....

Why not? Do you love her? She asked with tears on her tongue.

That doesn't matter Halo!

You can tell me I can handle it! Ima big girl Micah! I grabbed her face and kissed her to shut her up. She didn't waist no time in kissing me back. I couldn't control myself. Halo hurted me so bad but I still loved this girl so much. I almost had a whole future with her. I couldn't drop everything and her like I wanted to.

Baby I'm sorry I'm so sorry! She sang breaking down crying.

I know just shhhh! I kissed her forehead and she cried harder.

I love you Micah!

I love you to Halo!


I hung up my phone and sat it beside me as I looked at Micahs name on my screen. I wiped my tears and hugged myself as there voices played over and over again in my head.

I was right they was still in love with each other and the truth came out from a pocket dial call. I had a feeling Micah was too good to be true. Everything he said just seemed so right at that moment when he left here yesterday. He hasn't called or text so I knew he was around her.

It's cool though cause I called all this out and seen it all before. There never really together but when they apart they still together.! I laughed to myself wiping my tears to even think he was actually different.

I went to the bathroom to draw myself a nice hot bubble bath. I sat in the hot water so my muscles could relax. I couldn't wait to graduate and get out of here. I had a scholarship to the University of Buffalo waiting for me at the end of next semester....If I could make it that long.

Hurry up and get out the bathroom! My brother yelled banging on the door. He sounded angry so I hurried up and washed up and got out quick. I put some leggings on and a shirt and made my way back to my room. I was starving but I know we didn't have anything to eat and if I left my room my brother was going to hit me.

I laid in bed and tried to ignore my hunger pains. I pulled the covers over myself to go to sleep.

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