Chapter 101

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FUCKKKKK.!!!! I yelled kicking my door! I was so pissed off right now. How could I be so stupid! I looked in the mirror and started to cry. I thought i covered my neck with make up well enough that he wouldn't see it.

What's wrong? Heaven asked coming in my room.

Heaven I fucked up! Again!!!! I cried sitting on the bed.

What? What's wrong? She asked frantically sitting next to me. I turned my neck and she seen the marks.


I know! I know! Micah just seen them.

And he didn't kill you?!

No he just kicked me out. Heaven I fucked up bad!

Who's it from?

I started to feel sick. I got up and ran into my bathroom to throw up. My sister held my hair back as I threw up everything. "Halo are you pregnant?" Heaven asked unsure. I looked up at her in disbelief. I bursted into tears.

I wasn't paying attention to my periods after me and Ty....

TY?! Halo really? Your cheating on Micah with Ty?!!!

It was an accident Heaven.....

How is cheating an accident? Halo oh my god.

I was at school a few weeks ago and Ty came out of no where he started selling me all this shit about how we still together he love me and bullshit and he started to touch on me. Micahs been so busy with basketball and school we wasn't seeing each other It's like my sex hormones took over and I let him fuck me in the library....I couldn't help but to keep going back Heaven I fucked up....

Oh my fuckin god HALOOOOO! Are you fuckin kidding me. Any other fuckin secrets you been holding out on?

Me and Micah are married!


A few weeks ago when we got back together he asked me to marry him he had fake ID's and stuff for us to legally get married and we did.....

I'm your sister and you didn't tell me that?! Wow!  Heaven started crying her eyes out. "And now your cheating on your husband! You could possibly be pregnant with another man's baby? Micah is a very good dude and he don't deserve this Halo....I'm so disappointed in you!"

I'm disappointed in myself. I didn't wanna cheat on him or have a baby by anybody else. Pregnancy never even crossed my mind until now.

Well we just gonna have to get you a test.!


I sat staring at the picture of Halo's neck. I desperately wanted to be wrong about this. I can't lie my feelings was OD hurt.

Hey can I ask you a question? I asked walking over to Queens table. She took her AirPods out her ear and looked up.

What's up?

I sat the phone down on the table and pushed it towards her...

Those passion marks? Y'all made up I see?! She giggled.

There not from me....


She came over last night wouldn't let me touch her....I seen them this morning when I woke up. I thought I was trippin for a second. She said she burnt herself with the curling iron.

Oh no.....those definitely look like passion marks. I'm sorry Micah!

It's cool I know  what I gotta do now though.

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