Chapter 173

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I got up and jumped right in the shower. I was tired as hell. Me and Queen was up all night. When I got out I dried off and opened the bathroom door and the smell of food hit me. I smiled at that thought and went to the bedroom. I dressed in a simple ADV sweat suit. And went downstairs.

GoodMorning baby girl! I smiled kissing Queen on the cheek as she prepared our plates.

GoodMorning baby, how did you sleep? She smiled hard hugging my waist.

Good, can't complain what you in here making?

Just some pankcakes, and bacon! I know this ain't what yo mom usually makes but it's something to put on your stomach! She laughed.

It's perfect baby thank you! I smiled kissing her again. I grabbed both of the plates and took them to the table while she grabbed to glasses of orange juice for us.

I have a doctors appointment today at 4:30 if you'd like...

I'll be there! I smiled cutting her off making her smile.

Really? I know you have practice and stuff!

It's cool....this is my child! I wanna be here every step of the way. I love y'all! I leaned over the table and kissed her.

I love you! She smiled back. I could tell I brought that glow back to her, that happiness she had. Her dark cloud was gone.

We finished eating and talking and laughing I loved hearing her giggle and laugh. But she got sick fast as fuck. She ran to the bathroom throwing up all her food. She told me she could only keep some things down for a little period of time before she had to throw it up. Her taste buds completely changed and everything she loved the baby hated. It's crazy how she showed different signs from Halo....I must of was getting Queens pregnancy symptoms that whole time.


I pulled into the parking lot sitting in my truck for a while. School completely drained me today. I was so tired all I wanted to do was sleep. I held my stomach in hopes of me not throwing up. My car door opened scaring the hell out of me. It was Micah smiling from ear to ear.

What's wrong baby girl? He asked helping me out.

I'm tired and you just scared the fuck out me! I said rolling my eyes hitting him.

I'm sorry come on! He smiled hard. I rolled my eyes and he grabbed my hand while we walked into the building. I got butterflies inside I never thought Micah would be coming to a doctors appointment with me cause he was so under Halo.

I signed in and took a seat next to him. He grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him. "I love you!" He smiled kissing me.

I love you too!

Queen! A nurse called out to me coming from the back. I stood up and grabbed my purse. "Can my boyfriend come?" I asked as I got closer to her. "Of course!" I turned and waved to Micah and he jumped up coming to us. We followed her to the back and we stepped into the hallway. I gave Micah my jacket and purse to hold as she took my temp, weight, and blood pressure.

She led us Into another room and we waited for the doctor. "Are you nervous?" I asked Micah with butterflies.

I wasn't but now I am! He laughed messing with everything and every where.

Sit down! I bussed as a knock filled the door.

Hi Queen, how are you?! My doctor asked coming in the room smiling.

I'm good and you?

Great! How are you feeling? Your 8 weeks and 2 days.

I know! I'm feeling okay, just morning sickness but I've been drinking a lot of water like you said.

Good that'll help keep things down. Cause dehydration will occur a lot with morning sickness. She said as she pulled my shirt up to start to feel my tummy. "Your uterus is growing that good!" She pulled a measuring tape out and began to measure my stomach. "Your measuring the correct length for the babies growth."

Okay! I smiled. She grabbed the gel and the heart monitor.

Dad have you heard babies heart beat yet?

No, actually this is my first! He smiled looking at me.  His phone started ringing uncontrollably. "I'm sorry y'all!" He said getting up and going into the hallway.

I'm sorry! I apologized to my doctor and she smiled. I bit the side of my lip cause my feelings was hurt cause I seen Halo calling. He could of waited until this was over.

I can come back in about 10 minutes?

No it's fine actually can I record it?

Yeah sure! I pulled my phone out and went to video. I began to record as she moved the small prob around on my lower stomach. My baby had a beautiful super strong heart beat it made me cry.

The baby has a strong heart beat! We'll see you in another four weeks! Other than that do you have any questions or concerns?

No not right now thank you! I smiled. She wiped my stomach off and gave me some papers. Before leaving out the room. Micah was standing outside the door still in the phone. "Okay well what room are you in? I'm here now! Are you still bleeding?"
He was still on the phone with Halo.

I grabbed my jacket and purse and opened the door. "I'm gonna head out, you can finish your conversation with her!" I said biting the side of my lip.

I'm sorry, she's having some pain and bleeding....what did the doctor say?

Nun it's cool! Ima head out.

Ima call you shortly. He said trying to kiss me. I moved my face and walked away from him. Heaven stuck her head out from a room three doors down from us and he walked down there. I glanced in the room as I walked past and Halo was sitting there balling her eyes out.

No matter what's going on, I now know that I will always become number 2 in Micahs life over her! I wiped my tears as I walked to my truck. I just need a vacation or something this has become way to much for me.

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