Chapter 140

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I felt a tap on my shoulder. I rolled my eyes at the voice behind me. I just wished that Micah left me alone. He wants to be with Halo leave me alone forget I even exists.

I turned around and it was Halo not Micah.

Can I talk with you for a minute.? She asked like she was in a uncomfortable situation.

What? I closed my locker grabbing my bag out.

Look I know Micah likes you...

Oh you do? I asked with laughter cutting her off and she got pissed.

Yeah I do, he's mine okay so stay away from him.

You don't scare nobody! Is this supposed to intimidate me? I ain't the one you should be threatening though.....he's in love with me! I smirked  folding my arms.

You don't want an assault charge against you do you? Your PO finds about it your fucked right?! She gave a little laugh.

You wouldn't!

Try me! Do us both a favor and stay the fuck away from Micah! She said with a smile than turning to walk away.

I watched her leave before I left. Nobody knew I was on probation. I needed to come up with a plan and quick. I can't have her threatening me and messing my probation up. If I get another charge I'm going to jail and bye bye my scholarship and my only way out of this hell hole of a life with my brother.

I need a transfer to night school! I said to Mrs Brown walking into her office.

What? Have a seat Miss Morgan. She said closing her door.

I need to be transferred to night classes.

Why? What's going on?

Nothing, I just think they would best fit my schedule.

Night classes are only for students who are formaled or who needs extra support with their work.

Well I need extra help!

I highly doubt that, your GPA is a 4.2 right now....what's going on?

Nothing I told you it will best fit my schedule.

I can't do that! You need to take Honors classes and the night program does not offer that. I got up and walked out her office than out the school I was totally fucked!

I got on the bus and headed home. I couldn't work cause my brother always gets me fired from every job I work at. I walked home past the local drug dealers and it was always the same shit everyday. Niggas tryna holler rude as hell and saying anything.

I couldn't wait to move up out of here. The day I walk the stage is the day I leave for good.

I warmed my food up in the kitchen and hurried up and ate. Whatever needed to be cleaned I cleaned it. There was a knock on the door and it was a social worker.

Hello you must be Queen! She said with a smile. "I'm Candace Johnson......we received another CPS complaint about your brother hitting you is he home?"

No....he just went to the store.

Well here's my card tell him to give me a call. And here's another one if you need to talk about anything. She said with a smile.

I nodded my head and closed the door. I sat the cards on the table and finished my food.

My brother finally walked in the house but had someone with him. I stood to my feet as he layed her on the couch. She was in a faded out daze and shivering.

Give me that blanket! He said to me.

What is she doing here? I questioned angry. "You said she'll never be back in our lives again!"

I know what I said give me the damn blanket.! I grabbed the blanket wiping the tears from my eyes and giving it to him. He wrapped her body up nicely as I stood there frustrated with tears coming down my eyes.


Hey baby come here! My mom smiled as I came in the house from school. She was coming down from her high. It was three men that stood in the living room. Two of them had guns and the other one stood proudly with all this jewelry on shinning.

I wanna introduce you to my friends! She smiled shakey. I wasn't slow. I knew my mom was on crack real bad and she was selling pussy.

I'm not really interested! I said as I backed away.

She's so pretty Nicki how old is she? The guy with all the jewelry asked licking his lips.

She's 14....told you she had a real nice body she could make you some money! Come here baby these my friends.! She said pulling me closer. She grabbed me from behind putting my arms behind my back aggressively tying them together.

Stop the screaming and hollering! He said as he put a gun to my head. I had tears coming down my face. "No your mother owes us a lot of money but you can help her make this allllllll go away!" He said licking his lips. My mother began to take my clothes off of me moving my hair out my face as I squirmed and screamed. She put a sock in my mouth to make me be quiet.

You can do whatever you want to her....she's still a virgin! My mom said and the front door opened. My brother came walking in.

What the fuck is this?! Get the fuck off my sister! He yelled and screamed. One of the guys punched him in the face and kicked him to his knees and hit him again and again until he was week pulling his head back putting a gun to his head. can do whatever you want to her just don't hurt my baby girl! She plead moving out the way.

The guy opened my legs and began to lick me and suck on my clit. I was squirming around I fell off the couch on my shoulder popping my arm out of place. I screamed from the pain. He pulled his pants down and pulled out a condom as he proceeded to enter in and out of me over and over again.! All I could see is my brother crying and screaming and the other guy entertaining my mom.

He finally finished and got off of me. I laid they're unable to move. He pulled his pants up and threw a small baggy at my mom. The men walked out our home and my brother rushed over to me trying to hurry up and untie me.

Queen! Queen! Queen! He yelled over and over but it was like I was in a daze. I was fucked up. He popped my shoulder back in place and that brought me back to reality.! I screamed so loud from the pain.

How could you? That's you fuckin daughter you let a man come in here and rapped your daughter! That's your flesh and blood! Get out! My brother yelled.

This my damn house! My muthafuckin rules.

I don't give a damn I put all the fuckin bills here take yo ass on and don't fuckin come back don't come back! He screamed over and over again! He grabbed our mom pulling her to the door kicking her out our house. He picked me up and carried me upstairs to the bathroom and let the hot water hit my body.

When he returned he had a bottle of Hennessy in his hand and he was in tears crying. "I'll never let her back in our lives again she'll never get the chance to hurt you again!" He said as he cried gulping the big bottle of alcohol down. My brother was 18 when his alcohol problem started....6 months later he turned into this mean angry person because of it and that's when he gave me my first black eye!


Queen! He yelled snapping me out my daze.! I looked up from our mother and back at him.
"Stay in your room for the rest of the night, I ordered pizza for dinner when it gets here I'll bring you some!" He said sternly. This was the most sober I ever seen my brother. My mom was making gagging noises so he closed the living room doors in my face and grabbing a bucket to help her. I ran up to my room closing and locking the door. I sat on my bed crying my eyes out.

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