Chapter 108

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I'm the case of Martavion Jackson Vs The State Of Texas charged with endangering the welfare of a child, kidnapping, hold hostages, attempted murder, assault to the first degree, assault with a deadly weapon, felony weapons to the high degree, unlawful possession of multiple firearms. The judge began to read off.

Our first speaker your honor....

I walked through the gates and stood at the stand. I swallowed hard before opening my mouth to speak. "For those of you who don't know who I am allow me to introduce name is Magic Jackson. I am the wife of Martavion Jackson. We have been together since we where 17 years old. From the day he met me he sworn to love and protect me and he did just that. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be here today to tell my story. My husband is no criminal! He's a husband, a friend, a father, someone son, a therapist, a doctor, someone uncle, a provider, literally everything and he's being criminally charged with protecting his family. I was 8 months pregnant and in life threatening labor. I was hit by a drunk driver. Which was the cause and reason of why we are here today. My car was split into two pieces. I drove a 22 Lamborghini Truck. My Truck was customized by my husband. He spent well over 267,000 on it. But you can't put a price on my life. My life was taken multiple times that night. But I was kilt on impact because of a careless reckless DRUNK man who was going 90mph. My unborn child was put in distress and had a failing heart rate. A team of doctors spent 3 hours in surgery in order to get my child out of me. When he was removed from my body via c-section without consent, the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck, he was dead from the impact.... That is the second ACTUAL murder of this case.... A team of nurses struggled to save his life and they did. My son is now 3 weeks old and hasn't even been held by his father....I say all of that to say who's the real criminal here? My husband was just protecting his family. He didn't harm not a soul....but two souls that belonged to him was harmed. I am thankful each and everyday for my husband because for him I am alive, I have a heart, I am healthy, our son is alive, he's healthy. It's unfair that my husband has been arrested, and prosecuted but the man who was drinking and driving, kilt two people, drugs and alcohol, and a loaded gun was all found in his car as well at the time of the scene. That man is walking free, but after today I will be pressing charges to the full extent, two counts of murder as well as assault because it is not fair (i started to get choked up on my words trying not to cry) that Martavion Jackson has multiple charges and is facing up to life but an actual murder is walking free.....To my husband this will never change a feeling that I have towards you it'll enhance them even more. Thank you so much, soooo much for saving my life baby! You know I can not live without you! I'm proud of you and I love you forever! I wiped my tears and grabbed my papers from the stand. Martavion had tears coming down his face while he sat looking down trying to not show any emotion.

Thank you Mrs Jackson for that! In conclusive your honor we rest our case! His lawyer spoke softly. You could tell everyone's heart was broken in the room.

I was not held hostage I was there because I wanted to be. Mr Jackson didn't harm me! Someone said from the crowed standing up.

I wasn't a hostage either. Another person said.

Neither was I! And another one. All the rest of the hostages stood up and said they where not hostages they stayed because they wanted to.

Order! Order! Order in the court room now! The judge yelled he banged his gravel multiple times as the court was getting in an uproar.

Jury how do you find the defendant?

Jury 1: Not Guilty
Jury 2: Not Guilty
Jury 3: Guilty

Ruled in this case Mr Jackson you are found Guilty, sentencing will be placed 6 months from today! The judge banged his gravel.

Fuck you!
Your a fuckin loser!
He's a hero!
The crowed yelled over and over again. The court room was packed in support of Martavion. He was facing 50 to life right now. He got up and they put the cuffs back on him. I stood to my feet and walked over to the gate that separates us.

I grabbed my husband face and looked him in his eyes. "Your my hero! Thank you!" I kissed his lips softly before he got up and was taken away from me.

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