Chapter 56

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GoodMorning baby.! Martavion smiled kissing my cheek coming in my bathroom.

Where you getting in and out the shower last night? I asked taking my toothbrush out my mouth questioning him as he peed.

What.?! No I only got in once why.

Well was you watching porn?

Uhhh noooo.? What's this about?

I thought I seen you in the shower but I also could of sworn I heard moaning coming from your bathroom.....

Nah you must of been dreaming..... he explained as he grabbed his toothbrush to brush his teeth.

Mmmm probably it seemed so real than I was thinking do you even watch porn so yeah I had to be dreaming.

Nah I don't watch it I make it.! He smiled thrusting behind me making me laugh.

Yeah okay you better not still have those.

Shiddddd you think I don't.? I got every single last one of them jawns. Yo ass be going crazy I gotta save every moment.!

Apparently this is why I'm in my situation now.! I laughed walking out the bathroom and going to my closet.

Noooooo don't get dress.! He said as he came in after me grabbing my waist.

What why?

I have a few hours until I have to be in the office and I wanna savor these couple hours in bed with you enjoying your company.

Just say you want some sex.! I laughed throwing my shirt at him.

I do.! He laughed picking me up, "but I really do just wanna lay in bed with you cuddling even more. I miss you.!"

I missed you too.! I smiled kissing him. He placed my feet back on the ground and I led us to the bed. He crawled on top of me and kissed me laying his head on my chest.

The rain hitting the windows set the mood just right and I stroked his curls and rubbed my fingers across his back. "I love you Martavion.!" I whispered into his ear kissing his head.

I love you to baby. He said placing his hand on my stomach to rub it. After a few moments of laying like this he was ready. "Ight I'm horny come on.!" He smiled taking my thong off. He started to kiss all of me and began to lick every where. I loved how he wanted to pleasure me first and made sure I came before he did. I swear sometimes I be forgetting I'm pregnant and so do he the way we be going at it.
We was so deep into our kiss as we came together.

His alarm started going off making us pull away from each other. He kissed me once more and got up. He turned the alarm off on his phone. And went to his bathroom. I laid there for a minute because I was dead.

After my shower I finally was about to get dress. I went into Martavions closet and grabbed one of his t shirts. I buckled his pants for him than helped him with his tie. I loved how tall he was compared to me. And He loved when I helped him get dress. This is one of those intimacy things that turns you on with no sexual activity.

I made my way downstairs to the kitchen and the kids was eating cereal. Majesty was sitting at the island with a worried face.

What's wrong baby.? I questioned grabbing two coffee mugs. She turned her phone around and I picked it up.

                         *NEWS ARTICLE*

Boy found beat nearly to death than shot twice. He was in critical condition and fighting for his life!

GoodMorning everybody.! Martavion smiled coming down the stairs. I gave Majesty her phone back and she looked terrified.

Can I talk to you.! I said pushing him out the kitchen and into the hallway.

What's wrong?

You beat that damn boy up and shot him.!! I yelled quietly.

Ummm no.! He said rolling his eyes and poppin his neck. "Okayyyyy I'm lying.! I shot him.!"


Okayyyy I may or may not have beat him up too a little.!

I folded my arms and stuck my head out.

Can you stop looking at me like that.! Your burning a whole through my body.!

That boy was beat servilely, the pictures is crazy.!

Oh you can blame ya boy for that, I ain't even have to touch him Legend over there did that.! I just shot him. Ima wait until he gets fully healed than ima kill him.! He said with a smirk.

You got Majesty in there scared half to death.

Scared of what she know her moma crazy and she knows her daddy is a psychotic freak who has severely mental problems and a violent history of multiple things.

No what if he tells or something.

Yeah right like that'll happen. I pulled a you. We gave his ass a blanket party, kidnapped him, beat his ass and dropped him off at his momma house. He better be lucky I didn't just torcher his ass or feed him his dick than kilt him.

Oh my god why are you like this.?!

I wasn't loved as a child.! He said shrugging his shoulders and walking back in the kitchen.

He sat down next to Majesty and she hugged him. "Thank you daddy.!" She said wiping the tear from her eyes.

You know ima always take care of everything. He said sternly he hugged his daughter back and rubbed her back for a moment. This is what I ment when I said my children can always count on their parents.

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