Chapter 7

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You thieving ass twins get in here.! My mama yelled like she was the twins off ATL mama.

Yes ma'am.? We both said at once. She had paper towels and windex in her hand and a bucket and mop in the other.

Start from the 5th floor all the way down.! She said giving us the stuff.

Whatever you don't finish by dinner time you gone finish it tomorrow.

And after the day after that y'all gone clean every single car on this property andddd clean the garage and gutters out, the day after that y'all gone twin the bushes and cut the grass. My dad added walking past.

Isn't that what we have landscapers for? I asked confused. Machi hit me to shut me up.

You wanna start right now.? He asked turning around.

No sir.!

Give me y'all phones.! She said holding her hand out. I sucked my teeth and she grabbed my Apple Watch off too.

We can't listen to no music.?! Machi asked shock.

Gone head and go.! My mom said dismissing us. We walked all the way up to the 5th floor. I did not wanna do this shit. We literally have butlers and maids for this shit.

I bet we still ain't gone get our damn cars back.! I said spraying the top window.

Brah you know we ain't.! I was aggravated as hell cause I really needed my car back. I was Tryna plan a date with Halo but I couldn't cause I ain't have no fuckin car and we on punishment for a while.

I know my mom don't play and as long as my dad here he gone back her up. Shit his ass definitely didn't play either.

We finally moved onto the 4th floor, we wasn't no where near done.! I felt like my got damn arms was gonna fall off. I was never sneaking her truck again.

Go and get washed up for dinner, it's almost done.! My mom said walking past us. I finished the last window I was on before grabbing all my things and throwing them away. I put my cleaning supplies back in the cleaning room and went up to my room. I showered and put on some shorts and a shirt and went down to dinner.

May I have my phone back please.? I asked nicely. She handed me my watch and phone and I sat at the table. We was having spaghetti tonight.

We held hands and said grace before we ate. I was starvin but I also was so tired. "How was school.?" My mom asked starting with Miracle. My baby sister was so cute and innocent. She didn't bother us like normal little sisters or get on our nerves. Neither did Majesty. Majesty was the best big sister ever. She's always been the best, us three has always been close too, even though she's 2 years older than us.

It was good.! I got an A on my project. Miracle smiled.

Yeah school was good for me too.! Machi said next.

I had an okay day nothing too spectacular.!

Did you turn that extra credit in.? My dad asked me.

Yeah yesterday, she said she'll have my new grade by Friday.....honestly it just was something about that B that wasn't sitting right with me.!

That's cause you need to turn your work in on time.! Majesty butted in.

How was your day baby girl.? My dad asked her.

Ummm it was okay.! She laughed. "Miss Mascudi is ready for me to give her my official college choice, but I'm not.!"

Why not.!? I asked really wanting to know. Majesty was dumb smart.! My mom always was on her ass about her studies.

Because like I really wanna go to NYU and pursue my dreams in the art world but I got into Harvard, HARVARD.!

That is a big deal baby. Which is why next week when y'all are off all week for school daddy is going to take you to tour both schools.! My mom said so excitedly. Our parents really spoil the hell out of us.

Really.?! Thank you daddy.! She got up and ran and hugged our father.

Ma.?! I said getting her attention clearing off the table.

Yes baby.? She said looking up from washing the dishes.

I owe you an apology.! I said as I leaned back on the counter. She looked at me shocked.

Go on.....

At dinner when you told Majesty that daddy was taking her to tour the schools next week it really crossed my mind that you and dad really spoils the hell out of us. And I was taking advantage of what we have. Even though it wasn't my idea to take your car I am taking full responsibility and I apologize for doing something so stupid like that with out your consent.

Well I'm glad you came to your senses, I accept your apology, that's really big of you. But you know a punishment is still a punishment.

Yes ma'am I know.!

Go get ready for bed thanks for your help cleaning up the kitchen tonight. I kissed her cheek and went up the kitchen back stairs and to my room. I took my watch off putting it on the charging stand next to my phone and AirPods.

"Hey I was just thinking about you, and Micah I can't hold it in anymore....I like you and I was really hoping you could go to homecoming with me.!"

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