Chapter 82

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Why are you crying.? TJ mom yelled at me as she hit me again. I curled up in a ball defending myself. I just missed my mom. And she hit me for it. "Girl shut up.! TJ get my belt like I said.!" She screamed.

But ma you already hit her and I don't know where it is.!

Boy do you want me to hit you next? She yelled at him pushing him to the ground. She was so extremely angry.

I'm sorry.! I sobbed through my tears.

"I'm sOrRy" she mimicked me. "Get up and go in that room both of you.!" She yelled so loud she made me jump. TJ crawled over to me helping me up and we went into the room. She slammed the door on our backs just before we entered the room.

I'm sorry Miracle I'm gonna get you out of here okay.! TJ sobbed wiping my tears. "There's a window right there, ima help you climb up there and when you get out run.! Run as fast as you can the same way we came in." He got up and pushed the window open. "Nobody's outside.!" I stood to my feet and he helped me up on the dresser. I jumped up trying to get out the window.

I can't reach it.! I cried trying to jump. I was too short.

Try.! You have to try Miracle.

TJ I can't.! I was trying so hard to reach the ledge.

What the fuck are y'all doing.?! I could hear TJ mom yelling jiggling the door handle.

Hurry Miracle.! He said pushing me up more.! I reached it and pulled myself up as he pushed me higher almost falling off. I climbed through the window.

Give me your hand.! I cried trying to reach back through the window for him.

I can't just go.! He cried. He had fear in his eyes. His mom was pushing the door to get it open.

I'm not leaving you TJ come on.!! I yelled. He started to reach for me and I grabbed his hands. His mom was screaming and yelling she broke the door open and I pulled TJ all the way through. She was trying to grab his legs but I helped him just in time.

Ima kill you girl.! His mom yelled out in rage. We got up as fast as we can. We started running so fast but it seem like everything was moving slow. The doors bursted open and his mom and three other guys started running after us. Guns started going off. I fell to the ground as my leg felt like it was on fire. I looked back at TJ and he was laying beside me with his head down. My leg was bleeding. Three big trucks pulled in fastly. They stopped an inch before us.

TJ.! I yelled shaking him. I could hear him gasping for air. "TJ" I screamed again. He grabbed my hand.

I'm sorry Miracle.! He said looking me in my eyes.

Miracle.? I could hear my name being questioned. My eyes was locked on TJ's eyes my heart was crushed and I was feeling like I couldn't breathe.

My babyyyy.!!!! TJ mom cried running towards us.

Get up baby.! I could hear my daddy voice. But my vision was blinded by my tears and screams. He picked me up as the blood from my leg got all over his clothes. My mom was screaming in fear as me and TJ locked eyes. She ran over to his side.

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