bodyguard (josh)

91 4 0

pairing: josh dun x reader
word count: 1031
tw: some angst

i fixed my tiara as i made sure my curls were perfect. sure, i was just staying in the palace, but i was going to find my bodyguard, josh. he wasn't on duty, but i took a bit of a liking to him and i wanted to see him.

not that we could ever be together. i was a princess. i was destined to marry a random prince i never really knew. i didn't want that. i mean, you try marrying a foreign man you don't like, so a kingdom doesn't fall apart.

josh became my bodyguard when i was 15. he was 17 and i became close with him. i kinda had to, considering he was supposed to look after me. but 5 years later, i felt something more. something that could get josh fired if my parents found out how i felt.

i made sure i looked presentable before leaving my room. josh lived in the palace full time, so there was only two places he could be. the gym or the garden. but i knew he was almost definitely in the gym.

i walked to the gym and i looked through the window. josh was bench pressing weights. he was covered in sweat and his bottom lip was held in between his teeth due to concentration. he was so attractive, that i found myself staring. but then he noticed.

josh set the weights on the track and walked up to the door. he opened it, and greeted me.

"princess! is everything okay?" josh asked me. i blushed.

"yeah, i just wanted to see you." i admitted. he quirked an eyebrow.

"why? i'm just your bodyguard." he replied. i shook my head.

"can we take a walk?"

josh nodded and went back into the gym to grab a towel. he put it on his neck and we walked out of the palace. it was an unspoken agreement that we were walking to the garden.

when we made it to the garden, we sat on a bench. i sighed.

"may 12th." i spoke. josh looked confused.

"what do you mean?" he asked. i sighed again.

"that's when i'm supposed to get married. i haven't even met the guy. but it's not like i have a choice." i said. josh frowned.

"why is that such a bad thing? i mean, he could be a good guy. you might fall in love with him." he reasoned. i shook my head.

"how am i supposed to fall in love with him, when i love someone else?" i muttered.

"who do you love?"

i was about to say him when i bit my tongue. i couldn't. he could get fired. he could loose his job, if someone heard us.

but what if..what if i stepped down? what if i gave my sister, lily, the crown? i could resign from royalty and run away with josh.

if he felt the same. i just needed to see.


josh blushed like crazy. he tried to hide a smirk but i could see it anyways.

"you can't, (y/n). you can't love me, i'm just a bodyguard." he told me. i shook my head.

"no, josh. you're not just my bodyguard, you're my best friend. i wouldn't have made it through my teenage years without you. you were there for me when nobody else was. everyone defined me by my tiara but you didn't. you don't josh." i said. i stood up. "run away with me. i'll step down, lily can have the crown. you and i can be together. we can do what we want, josh. come on."

josh stood up. he came close to me and looked down at me. he had to be about 6 or 7 inches taller at least.

"you don't want to do this. your parents could never speak to you again. you don't want to do this just for me." he told me. i shook my head again.

"yes i do. my parents don't care about me. they just care about the money and royalty. they care about their own happiness and they always have. i want to be happy for long as you love me back." i said.

"of course i love you back. i just don't want you to do this and regret it." he replied. i shook my head.

"i won't regret it. i swear i won't." i said.

josh pulled me into a hug. we were actually gonna do it. we were gonna run away together. we could be normal.

i couldn't wait.

five years later

i stepped down from the crown and my parents were pissed. lily was grateful, as she always wanted to be the queen. when i announced that josh and i would be going to america, my mother, father, and sister cut ties from me, saying that it was my fault because i didn't want to be apart of their royalty anymore.

but i didn't care.

josh and i moved to a city called columbus. it was a pretty city, as was all of america. i used some of the money i brought with me and josh and i bought a house. we were happy, finally.

josh and i both made lots of friends. but we didn't dare tell them about our background. we came up with a simple story and everyone seemed to believe it. eventually, josh made a friend named tyler. they started a band, where tyler sang and josh drummed.

and they. were. amazing.

the two of them blew up and gained tons of fans. millions. it was the kind of publicity i didn't mind. i wasn't forced to act a certain way and i wasn't forced to marry a stranger. i got to be happy with the man i loved most.

eventually, josh and i married and had children. three, to be exact. it was the kind of happily ever after that i wanted. the one i deserved.

and if you're reading this and you don't think you'll have a happily ever after, you will.

as long as you do what makes you happy.

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