the pit (josh)

96 3 0

pairing: josh dun x reader
word count: 885
tw: none

a/n: i miss live shows. like in person live shows.

"come on we gotta get to the pit!" ash said, pulling me with them to the bit.

ash insisted the pit would be better. at first, i didn't want to because it could sometimes get dangerous in the pit. but eventually, i gave in. i just wanted to see the boys.

the show started with ode to sleep. the pit was crowded but i ignored it. i was there for a good time, i needed to make the best out of it.

ash didn't seemed bothered either. they couldn't stop staring at tyler. they had a huge crush on tyler but also stanned his wife. i didn't blame ash for stanning jenna. i had met her once, she was really nice.

i wasn't staring at tyler. i was staring at josh. i adored josh dun. he had been my crush since i first joined the clique.

josh was four years older than me. he, unlike tyler, was single. that made it easier to crush on him.

josh's drumming was hot. he kept making eye contact with me but i knew it wasn't on purpose. he had to have been focusing on just the drumming.

"what have i become? i'll tell em.." tyler sang. i was getting really into the song when i felt someone pull my hair.

"hey- watch it!" i yelped. i turned around and saw a dude. he was taller than me and a bit bulky. i gulped but didn't move.

"move it!" he grumbled. he pushed me to the side and i fell. it was too loud in the arena for ash to notice. i couldn't even see them.

i just sat there for a moment before the music stopped.

wait the music stopped.

i looked up and saw the security guards move the dude away. i then saw josh offering his hand for me to take it.

"are you okay?" he asked me. i nodded. i was at loss for words. josh dun was literally speaking to me.

"here you and your friend and go back stage until the show is over. the pit is dangerous, i don't want you getting hurt again. i don't want anyone getting hurt, really." josh told me. i followed him backstage. ash followed too, their jaw dragging behind them on the ground.

"i'm going to go back to the show before people start to leave. i'll come back to talk to you after and make sure you're absolutely okay." josh said. i nodded again. just then, jenna appeared.

"hey, i've met you before. a few months ago, right?" jenna asked me. i smiled and nodded.

"yeah. i'm (y/n)." i told her. she smiled back and just hugged me.

"i saw what happened in the pit. are you alright?" she asked.

"yeah. i'm all good." i told her.

"you must be pretty special. josh has never stopped the show for anyone before." jenna told me. i just shrugged. then ash finally appeared. i wondered what took them so long to follow behind. i knew they probably just got lost. they often did.

"sorry, i got lost." ash said. shocker.

"that's okay. i was just talking to jenna. jenna, this is my best friend ash." i introduced the two. ash smiled and held out their hand for jenna to shake it.

"ash." they introduced themself.

"jenna." jenna smiled warmly. i definitely knew why ash stanned jenna too.

the rest of the concert was really good. ash and i talked with jenna a lot. when the boys finished, i got a bit nervous. i would be speaking with josh again.

"we're twenty one pilots and so are you. have a good night, columbus." the boys said. everyone cheered and the boys came back stage.

josh immediately walked up to me.

"are you okay? i saw that was a rough push." josh said. i nodded.

"yeah, i'm alright. thank you, for that. i really appreciated it. also, i'm (y/n)." i told him. i realized i hadn't told him my name yet so i added it onto the end.

"i'm josh." josh said. although i already knew that, i didn't say anything about it.

"that was a good show you guys did." i told him. he smiled.

"really? thanks!" he said.

josh and i talked. ash talked happily with tyler and jenna.

"we should probably get going. it's like a thirty minute drive." i told josh.

"wait, could i get your number?" he asked me. i smiled widely.

"s-sure." i told him. he gave me his phone and i added my number as a new contact.

"it was nice chatting with you, josh. i hope to chat with you again." i told him.

"you will. have a good night, (y/n)." josh replied. i smiled and went to find ash.

as ash and i were walking, they were talking about their conversation with tyler and jenna.

"so what did you and josh talk about?" they asked me. i just shrugged.

"oh not much. i gave him my number though." i told them. ash turned around quick. their jaw dropped for the second time that night.

"what?! that's sick." they told me.

yes. it most definitely was.

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