the bet; part three (tyler)

48 4 0

pairing: tyler joseph x reader
word count: 943
tw: angst, language

a couple days later

i decided i would tell everyone i completed the bet, just to get it out of the way. i could've cared less about the money, but i just wanted it done. at least i could use the money to take (y/n) on more dates.

"hey, i gotta go do something and then i'll come back and we can have lunch together." i told (y/n). she nodded and i walked up to my basketball team's table.

"finally, you're back. so, how rejected did you get?" brendon asked me. i smirked.

"i didn't. we just went on a date friday and now she's my girlfriend." i told them.

the entire team seemed to be in shock. i smiled giddily.

"i won the bet, now pay up." i said proudly. all of their eyes darted behind me. i didn't look behind me until i heard her.

"are you fucking kidding me?" i turned around and (y/n) was right behind me. she heard everything. "that's all i was to you? a bet?"

"(y/n), i can explain-"

"i don't want to hear it." she said, as she began to storm out of the room. i chased after her. i couldn't let her go.

"(y/n), wait! please, let me explain! i'm begging you." i begged. i followed her into the hallway until i grabbed her arm. she turned to me, tears streaming down her face.

"i thought you were different! i convinced my parents to let me see you, only for me to be a bet. do you understand how degrading that is? you don't deserve another second of my time, so just leave me the absolute fuck alone." (y/n) cried. she yanked her arm out of my grasp and ran from me.

i stood there as i watched the girl i fell in love with walk away from me.

it was all my fault.

a few days later

"hey, it's (y/n). please leave a message."

i called her thousands of times over the week. she never picked up. and at school she avoided me completely.

i know that's exactly what i deserved, but i fell for her so hard. she meant everything to me and i didn't want to let go.

i didn't know what to do to get her back. i didn't want to do something small, because she deserved the world.

one night, a few days after she found out, i was about to go to sleep. as i was drifting off i had a brilliant idea. i knew it would take a lot to construct but i didn't care.

if it meant she'd know how much she meant to me, i would do anything.

one week later

i felt so betrayed.

i actually thought tyler was different. i thought i actually meant something to him. but it was all a $50 bet.

i was so stupid.

tyler tried to explain himself. i wanted to hear what he had to say, but i didn't want to hear any lies. he hurt me so much, i didn't want him to just play with my heart.

after a few days, he stopped calling constantly. he still gave me apologetic looks at school but he didn't keep bugging me. i partially felt relieved but i was also kind of hurt. even though i planned to keep ignoring him, i didn't want him to stop trying.

maybe that made me selfish, but still.

a little over a week after i found out about the bet, i drove to school. it was a rainy day, so it made my mood gloomy. when i made it to school, i unbuckled and went inside.

the hallway was completely empty. usually, people were everywhere. but there was nobody.

where is everyone?

that's when i heard it. the strumming of a ukulele. i looked around to see where it was coming from. surely enough, there he was.

tyler was walking towards me, strumming a ukulele.

"wise man say," he sang. my hand flew to my mouth at the sound of his voice. it was beautiful. "only fools rush in."

"but i can't help, falling in love with you."

tyler performed can't help falling in love for me. one he finished, he set his ukulele down and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into a tight hug.

"i'm so sorry, (y/n). i really am. i never meant to hurt you. i would've asked you out, even if it wasn't a bet. i don't know why i made it into a bet, i regret it every single day. i love you so much, and i promise i would never ever do anything like that again." tyler said, not letting me go. i hugged him back.

"apology accepted." i said. his apology did seem sincere, and i did love him back. sure, he did make a mistake but everyone does.

"really?" tyler questioned, pulling away. i smiled.

"yes, i love you. i just felt betrayed after i found out about the bet. but your apology was sincere so i accept it." i told him. he immediately pulled me into a passionate kiss.

"does that mean you'll take me back? i won't hurt you again, i promise." tyler asked me, hopefully. i pretended to think about it.

"hmm...sure! why not." i said. tyler hugged me again.

"okay everyone, you can come out now!" tyler called. everyone (teachers and students) came out and cheered for us. we giggled at the applause and looked at each other.

that was an amazing way to start my day.

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