pool party (jyler)

57 2 0

pairing: jyler
word count: 694
tw: none

“come on jenna, we gotta go!” tyler called. i put my sunglasses on top of my head and walked down the stairs. tyler was waiting patiently with ro, who wasn’t as patient.

we got into the car and ty buckled rosie into her carseat. i got into the front seat and turned the car on. i plugged in my aux cord and turned on music.

rosie started clapping when i turned on bounce man. it was her favorite song on the album. my personal favorite was mulberry street. (don’t fact check this, i made it up.)

“you should bounce, bounce, bounce man.” tyler sang. i sat there, infatuated by his voice. besides maybe his face, tyler’s voice was my favorite thing on the planet.

i forgot to put my playlist on shuffle so, no chances came on after bounce man. i quickly skipped it. i personally liked it, but the “we come for you” scared ro.

we finally pulled up to maddy’s house. i got out of the car and unbuckled rosie.

“i’m gonna go look for josh and debby.” tyler told me. i nodded and picked up ro.

when i spotted maddy, i waved and let rosie down. she ran to her aunt. i smiled.

“hey rosie ro!” maddy greeted rosie. rosie cooed. she was barely a year and a half so she didn’t know many words. but she was very smart.

i followed maddy to her backyard. given it was a pool party, there were lots of people everywhere.

“would you like something to drink?” maddy asked me. i nodded.

“just water, please.” i requested. maddy nodded and went into her house. i crouched down to rosie.

“you wanna go play with you cousins?” i asked her. she smiled her toothy smile. she ran to play with maddy’s and zack’s kids. thankfully, maddy had an above ground pool so rosie wouldn’t fall in.

just then, tyler appeared with josh and debby.

“hey!” i greeted and hugged them.

“hey, long time no see.” josh said. debby rolled her eyes, jokingly.

“dude we just saw them last friday. remember? i was crowned ‘woman with bucket.’” debby told him. the night of tyler and josh’s livestream concert was very interesting. debby and i had small parts but the twenty one pilots fanbase talked about it constantly.

“yeah, eight days is a very long time!” josh joked. the four of us laughed. maddy appeared with a water bottle for me.

“at six we’re going to have food and at eight we’re going to have s’mores.” she informed us. we nodded and she walked away.

i looked behind me and saw rosie reaching up towards the pool. i ran to her and picked her up.

“slow down there, killer. tyler!” i called for tyler and he ran towards us.

“this little one wants to go for a swim.” i told him. he nodded and pulled off his shirt. i pulled rosie's little shorts off so she was just in her swimsuit and gave her to tyler.

tyler’s pov

i got into the water and grabbed a little donut floatie for rosie. there weren’t many kids in the pool, which was good. i loved my nieces and nephews but they splashed too much.

as soon as rosie hit the water, she started kicking like crazy. i laughed. she was kicking like a pro-swimmer.

i let her go and she swam away in her little floatie.

“now wait a minute there, little girl.” i went after her. but she turned it into a little game. she found out that the more she swam away, the more i’d chase her.

eventually i got her and picked her up out of the floatie.

“okay, that’s enough water action for today.” i laughed.

jenna tossed me two towels. ro and i dried off at one of the picnic tables.

the rest of the evening was nice. rosie kept trying to get in the pool but it was getting too cold. jenna and i at least made her a s’more that in which she enjoyed.

i honestly felt like rosie was growing up too fast.

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