it takes two (tyler)

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pairing: tyler joseph x reader
word count: 900
tw: teen pregnancy, one cuss word, slight angst

a/n: i felt bad for the previous tyler imagine. have a bonus tyler one.

tyler was just playing his keyboard. i was lounging across his bed just staring at the ceiling. i found his piano playing very calming. especially after a stressful day of high school.

then my face started to heat up. i ran to the bathroom.

i threw up into the toilet. that was the second time that day. i must've had the stomach bug.

"are you okay, (y/n)?" tyler asked me. i nodded as i flushed the toilet.

"yeah must be the bug. i should probably drive home. i don't want you catching it." i replied.

"you've been sick a lot lately. are you sure it's the bug?" he asked. i looked at him confused.

"what else could it be?" i asked him. he shrugged and walked back towards his bed. but then he stopped abruptly.

"well.." he started. i felt my face heat up, but this time not as if i were going to vomit.

"no. no no no, we were careful." i told him.

i had flashbacks to the one night. it was a rainy tuesday. we were alone and we wanted to go further..we were seventeen after all. but we were careful. at least, i thought.

"yeah but..i don't know." he said.

we just sat there on his bed, silent. we weren't even thinking about the stomach bug at that moment. we were far too distracted.

"well shit, now i need to know." i grumbled. i knew my life would be over if it was true. we both lived in christian households. there would be no way it would just slide with our parents.

"its okay. i can drive you to the store." tyler told me. i nodded and slipped on my shoes.

we drove to the nearest convience store. my mind was swarming with possible solutions to our situation, if i was carrying a fetus.

i wasn't pro-life or anything. i believed women should have the choice when it came to abortions. but it was different when it came to my own choice.

calm down. you don't even know if you're even pregnant. it probably is just the stomach bug.

i went up to pay for the test. the women who cashed me out appeared to be about in her fifties. she gave me a disgusted look. i just tried to ignore it. her opinion didn't matter.

i ran back to tyler's car and got in.

"got it?" he asked me. i nodded and sighed. he took my hand.

"it's okay." he assured me. i gave a small smile.

we drove back to his house. his parents and siblings were at some church event. thankfully.

we went inside and i ran upstairs to the guest bathroom. i didn't really have to use the guest bathroom anymore, it's just what i was used to.

i tore open the package and took the test. it said it would take up to three minutes until the results came in. i went downstairs while i waited.

"i made you some toast. i didn't know if you were hungry or anything. here." tyler told me, passing me a plate of burnt toast. tyler couldn't cook but i smiled warmly. it was a very kind gesture.

"thank you, tyler." i thanked him.

"of course, beautiful." he replied. he took my hands and kissed them. then my timer went off.

"i don't want to look. i don't want to." i told him.

"i'll do it, it's okay." tyler told me. he picked up the small stick. he examined it closely and took a shaky breath. i already knew what he was going to tell me.

we were so dead.

" says you're pregnant." he said quietly. i immediately broke down.

"of course." i said under my breath. how could i have been so stupid?

tyler pulled me into a hug and stroked my hair.

"it's going to be okay. don't worry. i'm gonna be here no matter what happens." he promised me. i just continued to cry.

"but i got pregnant." i cried. tyler pulled away and looked into my eyes.

"no. it takes two, you know. you didn't just get pregnant. we both contributed that night." he said. somehow, that calmed me down. i wiped my tears.

"our lives are going to be put on hold. our families are going to hate us. and the stares, i could practically feel the cashier lady's judgmental stare seep into my soul." i said.

"(y/n) it's okay. it really is. our families aren't going to hate us. sure they'll be disappointed but we'll be fine." tyler soothed me. he was too good for me. most guys would've left the second they found out.

i sat there silent for a moment. then we heard tyler's parent's car pull into the driveway.

"i'm going to hide the test. we can tell them tonight, but not with this. okay?" tyler asked. i nodded.

i knew it was going to be a rough ride but, knowing tyler was going to be there with me every step of the way, it felt assuring. we loved each other. sure, we were young and this would change our futures.

but i knew things would be okay.

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