the bet; part two (tyler)

46 3 2

pairing: tyler joseph x reader
word count: 1155
tw: language

later that day

when i got home from school, i only had one thing on my mind.

a date with tyler.

i planned to at least ask my dads. maybe i could convince them. i'm mature, and i always tried to contain my boy craziness. even though i only had a few crushes in my lifetime.

i decided i would ask them at dinnertime. as i waited for dinnertime to roll around, i grew anxious. what if they got mad? what if they demanded i never spoke to tyler again? i didn't want that, tyler really did mean a lot to me.

"dad, papa, i have to talk to you both about something that's important to me." i said at dinnertime. both of my fathers looked at me.

"what is it sweetie?" my dad asked.

"yeah, is everything okay?" my papa added. i smiled.

"everything is great! it's just..a boy asked me out on a date. and i'd like permission to go." i sort of mumbled the last part. my dads looked surprised.

"a date? (y/n) i thought we decided you can't date until after high school." my dad said.

"but dad, i'm an adult. i can make my own decisions." i argued.

"yeah, but we don't want our little girl getting heartbroken." my papa added. i sighed.

"that's how relationships work. heartbreak is bound to happen. but tyler is different, he even offered to wait until after high school. but i really like him now." i told them. they both looked at each other. they seemed to be having their own conversation just with their looks.

"what is tyler's last name?" my papa asked me.

"joseph." i replied.

"oh we know the joseph's. very nice people." my dad told me. my eyes lit up.

"so i can go?" i asked excitedly. my dad chuckled.

"hold your horses, little girl. if we are to let you date this boy, there are some rules." my dad said.


"we want to meet tyler, first of all. second, you have to be home by 10pm. it can't be on a school night, and you absolutely cannot go to a party." my papa decided. my dad nodded in agreement. i smiled.

"okay, it's a deal. thank you, guys." i thanked them.

after dinner, i helped my dads clean up. then i headed to my room and i texted tyler.

you: i talked to my dads. i convinced them to let me date you.

tyler: very funny, don't give me hope.

you: i'm being serious. we just can't go on a school night and we can't go to any parties.

tyler: holy shit, that's amazing.

you: so when are you taking me? and where?

tyler: friday, taco bell. i'll pick you up at 7.

you: you have to meet my dads. it's a part of the deal.

tyler: then i'll be there at 6:30. sound good?

you: perfect.

tyler and i texted for a while and then i decided to get ready for bed.

i couldn't wait for friday.


tyler's pov

as i drove to pick up (y/n), i grew to be very nervous. i was extremely lucky to be able to take her on a date. i knew taco bell wasn't very fancy, but i didn't want to make her anxious by choosing some super fancy place.

i pulled up to her house and quickly checked myself in the mirror. once i was sure i looked okay, i got out of my car and walked up to her front door. i took a deep breath and rung the doorbell.

it's now or never

i was greeted by a man with sandy blonde hair with a matching beard. he also had piercing blue eyes.

"hello sir, i'm tyler joseph. i'm here to pick up (y/n)." i introduced myself politely. just then, (y/n) and a very tall man with black hair appeared.

"tyler!" (y/n) exclaimed happily. "dad, papa, this is tyler. tyler these are my dads. okay, we'll be going now!"

(y/n) rushed out the door before one of her dads spoke up.

"not so fast, kids." the man said. he then looked me in the eye. "make sure you have her home by 10 pm sharp."

"yes, sir." i replied. then the other dad spoke.

"and no funny business. we don't want our little girl getting hurt." he told me. i nodded.

"of course, i would never hurt her." i said. (y/n) said goodbye to her dads and we made our way to my car.

"see? that wasn't so bad." she said. i chuckled.

"that was terrifying." i told her.

"they just worry about me, that's all. so, ready for some burritos?"

we drove to taco bell, making small talk the entire way there. (y/n) was so easy to talk to, which was why i was so into her. not to mention she was so beautiful and sensitive.

i had to be the luckiest guy in ohio.


as we ate our food, i sat and admired (y/n). i couldn't believe i was on a date with her. it felt like a dream to me.

"do i have burrito on my face or something?" (y/n) asked, snapping me out of my daze.

"what? no, i'm just so surprised that i'm here with you. it just feels like a dream." i told her. a vibrant shade of pink painted her cheeks as she blushed.

"that means so much to me. i'm really happy to be here with you as well."

we continued eating. i wanted to ask her to officially be my girlfriend but i was scared. even though she did come on a date with me, i didn't know if she actually wanted to be with me.

i drove her home once we finished. before she got out, i decided to finally ask her. i prayed she would say yes.

"hey, before you go, i have a question." i told her. she looked at me.

"what's up?" she asked.

"will you be my girlfriend? officially?" i asked her. she smiled.

"of course. if i didn't want that, i wouldn't have done everything in my power to go on this date with you." (y/n) replied. i smiled.

"really?" i asked.

"yes." she confirmed. "one more thing.."

she leaned in and pressed her lips against mine. i kissed back, surprised. i didn't expect her to actually kiss me on the first date. but i wasn't complaining. i was happy she was my first kiss.

(y/n) pulled away and got out of my car, leaving me speechless. i made sure she got inside safely before driving away, happier than i had ever been.

it definitely all felt like a dream.

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