screen (josh)

77 2 0

pairing: josh dun x reader
word count: 719
tw: mentions of anxiety

the stylist finished my hair and told me i was ready.

i was nervous but i knew josh had to be a hundred times more nervous. he had never won a grammy before. so this was his and tyler's big night.

i went up to our bedroom door and knocked. josh's stylist got him ready in our bedroom and my stylist got me ready in the bathroom. we had an hour until jenna and tyler showed up and then we would go.

"come on in!" josh said. i opened the door and josh was sitting in a chair, facing the vanity. he looked amazing but his eyes were red with tears. i immediately sat by him and took his hand.

"hey, hey are you okay?" i asked. he looked confused for a moment.

"yeah, i'm fine. why would something be wrong?" he replied. i knew immediately he was lying. whenever he was anxious, he tried to hide it from me. but after being with him for five years, i could see right through him.

"tonight's you're big night. it's okay to be nervous." i told him. he shook his head.

"no. no, i'm fine. you have nothing to worry about. wow, you look gorgeous." josh tried changing the subject. i blushed but the conversation was far from over. i wanted to be there for him.

"you look amazing too, but don't change the subject. you don't have to lie to me. let me help you, please." i pleaded. josh's grip on my hand tightened slightly.

"the second the stylist left, i had an anxiety attack. i'm just so nervous, (y/n). we're gonna be in front of so many people and..i-i'm not good with crowds. what if i do something stupid? what if i mess everything up? what-"

i immediately pulled josh into a hug. i hated to see him like this. I hugged him tightly before i pulled away.

"everything is going to be okay. i promise. everyone is going to love you. after all, wasn't it them who got you nominated for this grammy? it's going to be epic. okay?" i assured him. he nodded but i knew he was still extremely anxious.

"come on." i said, pulling him with me out of the room.

i led him downstairs to the kitchen. i knew he'd be less anxious if we were at our home in ohio but given the grammys were in LA we had to stay in our LA house. i went into the refrigerator and grabbed a water bottle. i gave it to josh.

"here, drink this." i told him. he took it and drank it.

"how are you feeling?" i asked when he finished.

"i'm still nervous, but i'm feeling a lot better. i don't know why i try to hide my nervousness from you. you always help me. that's one of the things i love about you." josh replied. i smiled.

"i'm always here for you josh. we're a team. and i'm so proud of how far you've come. i love you." i said.

"i love you too." josh told me. i leaned in and kissed him passionately. we didn't pull away until tyler bursted through the door, startling us both.

"sorry we're early. wanna get tacos quick?" tyler asked, jenna following behind him. he didn't even acknowledge the fact that he interrupted mine and josh's kiss. then again, he had a habit of interrupting our moments.

"uhm, sure." i replied.

"yeah, i'm hungry. but can we go through the drive thru? i feel that we're all a bit over dressed for taco bell." josh added.

"duh. no we're just gonna walk into taco bell like we're dressed for some cheesy gala." tyler said, sarcastically.

"well, we are going to the grammys." jenna chimed in.

"touché." tyler agreed.

we all grabbed our things and got into tyler's car. josh and i sat in the back while jenna and tyler occupied the front.

i looked at josh. he was smiling and i could tell he was much more calmed down. i smiled and took his hand.

we rode to taco bell, completely unaware of what the night had in store.

a/n: *cough* the way they accepted the grammy *cough*

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