intoxicated (josh)

100 3 3

pairing: josh dun x reader
word count: 847
tw: a quite drunk josh dun

"i am so full." i said to just myself, throwing my mcdonald's bag away. josh was out with tyler and mark so i needed to fend for myself.

i would have hung out with jenna, but she was busy that night. i had other friends but i never really talked to them.

i was a bit of a loner. i made myself a group of people i decided i was close to and i kept to myself and them only. it was just how my brain was wired.

it was about ten pm and i considered going to bed. i knew josh would be home only a little later but after eating so much, i felt so drowsy. i knew very well that tyler and mark would get josh home safely. they always did.

as if on que, my phone started ringing, startling me out of my thoughts. it was josh.

"hey." i said. i heard dead silence and then josh's oh-too-familiar giggle.

"(y/n) i really really miss you. a girl came up to me at the bar and tried to flirt with me and i was like 'no ma'am i already got a beautiful fiance at home, thank you very much.' and she gave me a dirty look and walked away but haha jokes on her, i don't feel bad because i love you so muchhhh." josh rambled. i laughed slightly.

"josh, you didn't leave the bar did you?" i asked.

"uhh yeah i did. i needed air. i think i accidentally forgot to tell tyler and mark though. oopsie." he replied. josh was extremely goofy when he was drunk. it made it really hard to be serious with him.

"you should go back inside before tyler goes looking for you, babes." i told josh. i heard him sigh into the receiver.

"i'm like..kinda lost?" he told me. it sounded more like a question. i sighed in return.

"would you like me to pick you up?" i asked him.

"would you? i love you forever, (y/n)." josh slurred.

"where are you?" i asked.

"mmm clancy way. yanno, like where we shot some of our music videos?" josh told me.

"yes. i'll be there soon. don't move, babe." i replied. then i hung up.

i slid a bra on and threw on josh's thrasher hoodie, he always let me wear. i texted tyler to tell him i was picking up josh and i grabbed my car keys.

i went outside. it was about 50° so it wasn't too chilly. i got into my car and turned it on.

i turned the radio on. high hopes was playing so i changed the station. panic! at the disco was great. but ever since brendon was became a total nightmare.

being that columbus was a city, the stars were never able to be seen. it was sad. but i never longed for the stars. i'd lived in columbus my whole life. how could i long for something i've never seen before? but i did often wondered what they looked like.

it only took me three minutes to find clancy way. midway down the street, i found josh sitting on the sidewalk. sitting criss-cross, looking like he was meditating or something.

i rolled down my window.

"hey, cutie. wanna ride home?" i asked. josh smiled.

"i'm not supposed to take rides from strange people..but you seem cool. and you're gorgeous. i might as well jus get in." josh replied. i blushed at him calling me gorgeous. he was always such a flirt.

"so the time that you were with tyler and mark, did you have fun?" i asked him. i was trying to make sure he didn't fall asleep. i did not have the strength to carry him inside.

"yeah. but i'm not lying, that girl was kinda annoying." josh replied. i chuckled.

"i'm sure she didn't even know who you were." i told him. he shook his head.

"nope. she was all like 'omg you're josh dun. i'm like totally in love with you, marry me.'" josh spoke in a high voice, mimicking the girl he had met earlier.

"josh, you're gonna make me crash i'm laughing too hard." i said. i couldn't stop laughing.

"i love your laugh." josh told me, all serious.

"i love your smile." i replied.

"i love you." he continued. i smiled.

"i love you too." i told him.

just then, i pulled into our driveway. i turned the car off and josh and i walked inside.

josh stumbled a little, but i was just thankful he could carry himself.

we got inside and headed right to our bedroom. it was late. i got my pajamas on and josh (somehow) managed to get his pajamas on. he must've been a bit sobered up.

he layed on the bed next to me and within seconds i heard his light snoring.

"i love you, josh dun." i said, and dozed off into the night.

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