affair (tyler)

96 3 0

pairing: tyler joseph x reader
word count: 861
tw: mentions of infidelity, a tiny bit of profanity and angst

tyler's pov

"son, wait! i can explain!" my father cried. i left the room and slammed the door behind me. i couldn't bare what i had just seen.

i got home from josh's two hours early that day. he got sick so i just left. my mom was out of town and my siblings were all at friend's houses, as i was supposed to be. so i knew it would just be my dad home.

when i walked inside the house i heard the most unholy noises imaginable. i went to my parent's room and walked in. there i saw, my father with a woman who was definitely not my mother.

i left the house, running at full speed. i ran around the block and finally took a break. i pulled my phone out of my pocket and tapped the one contact i knew would listen to me. my girlfriend, (y/n).

"hey, ty. what's up?" she asked, when she picked up.

"i..i need you. are you busy?" i answered. my voice was cracking already and i felt that familiar lump in my throat that always warned me when i was about to cry.

"i'm not busy, do you want me to come over? are you okay?" (y/n) began to sound worried.

"no! i-i mean don't come over. just meet me at the treehouse." i told her.

"okay, okay. i'll bring food too, because it sounds like you have something important to discuss." she replied. i smiled slightly. she knew me too well.

"see you soon. i love so so very much." i said.

"i love you too." she told me. she then hung up and i began to walk to the treehouse that she, josh, and i constantly hung out at. that had been our thing since we were six. now, ten years later, we still hung out there all the time.

as i walked, my mind was racing 100 miles per hour. i didn't understand how my father could do that to my mom. i thought they were in love.

i knew if my mom found out, it would crush her. when i first started dating (y/n) she always talked about how things were when she and my father fell in love. i would always brush it off like any other teen would but now my heart ached for what was happening and she didn't even know.

i was angry at my father. my mom didn't deserve him. nobody deserved him. he was a horrible human being. i couldn't ever imagine doing something like that to (y/n).

when i made it to the treehouse, (y/n) was already there with a bag of doritos open next to her. she stood up and hugged me immediately. i fought the urge to breakdown.

"what's going on?" she asked me. i pulled away and we sat down.

" dad. i caught him cheating on my mom." i told her. hearing the words come out of my mouth caused me to officially break down.

"oh, tyler. i'm so so sorry." (y/n) said. she wrapped her arms around me and rubbed my back. it was comforting.

"what am i supposed to do? if i tell her it'll crush her and ruin our family. but if i don't tell her, he'll get away with it. and he doesn't deserve to be able to do that to my mom." i cried. i wiped my face with my shirt. i hated letting (y/n) see me cry. i didn't want her to think i was weak.

"i don't know much about affairs and infidelity given my father has never been around. but i feel like you should tell your mom. it might make things complicated but, the quicker your asshole father is out the better." (y/n) told me. what she said made a lot of sense. i just didn't want to see my mom hurt. but i knew she would be much more hurt if she found out later.

"i think i'll do that. things are just going to be so complicated." i said.

"i know. you don't have to go back now, you know. you can stay with me for a while." she replied. i nodded.

"thank you. can you pass me the doritos?" i asked. (y/n) passed the doritos and i opened them. we shared them and talked about a lot of different things. anything but my father's affair. but i needed to talk about one more thing with her.

"(y/n)?" i said, quietly.

"yes, tyler?" she replied.

"can you promise me one thing?" i asked.

"what is it?" she asked me. i took a deep breath.

"if you ever get tired of me..just leave me. please. don't do what my father did." i told her. (y/n) frowned.

"tyler i would never. i'm not going to get tired of you. i promise." she assured me.

"i was just making sure. i love you." i said. she gave a small smile.

"i love you too."

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