groceries and exes (tyler)

74 4 1

pairing: tyler joseph x reader
word count: 1034
tw: language

"i'm gonna go grab deodorant, you can pick the cereal we have this month." my roommate and closest friend, tyler, said before disappearing. i nodded.

every few weeks we had to go to the grocery store. we always argued (harmlessly of course) about who got to pick the cereal we got. i was surprised that he just let me choose.

i reached for captain crunch, as i heard a familiar giggle. i looked to my right to see my ex, kyle, with the girl he cheated on me with, emily. they were all but humping each other. it was kind of nauseating.

i was long over him, but seeing him with her still stung a bit. especially with how things had ended. after i dumped him, i was heartbroken. i told tyler, and it took everything in me to convince him to not jump kyle, although he never even met him. instead, tyler moved in with me, so that i had help keeping up with bills and what-not. eventually, i caught feelings for him. i just didn't know how to tell him.

tyler began to walk down the isle, when he noticed kyle and emily. he walked up to me, his mannerisms...different?

"hey, sweetheart." he said, loud enough for kyle to hear. tyler snaked his arm around my waist. i knew what he was doing. "did you pick the cereal?"

"of course! oh hey, kyle!" i called to my ex, faux kindness in my voice. he seemed a little confused before replying.

"hi, (y/n). i didn't expect to see you here." kyle replied. emily just stayed close to him, eyeing me like i was a homeless orphan. how kind.

"well, this is the only walmart within five miles."

"babe, who is this?" tyler asked me. although he never met kyle, he saw a picture of him and myself to know what he looked like.

"oh, tyler, this is my ex that i was talking about. kyle." i informed him, holding the faux kindness. fake realization hit tyler's face.

"so, this is the scumbag who cheated on you? and i'm guessing that's what used to be his side piece?" he asked.

"excuse me?" kyle growled. tyler simply smirked.

"i said, you must be the selfish asshole who used (y/n). allow me to introduce myself, i'm her new boyfriend, tyler. you know, the one who would never cheat on her." he shot back. kyle clenched his fists, while emily seemed to be kind of holding him back.

"let me just tell you something, you messed up big time. (y/n) never deserved what you gave her. but in a way, i thank you. if you never showed your true colors, i wouldn't gave been given a chance to fall in love with her myself."

"you'll just get bored of her too." kyle tried. tyler scoffed.

"no, because when you love someone you don't get bored of them. you could learn from that." he said. "come on, (y/n). we should finish shopping."

tyler took his hand in mine, as we went to check out our groceries. i tried to process what just happened, but it was like i couldn't. he seemed so genuine, like he was actually in love with me.

or maybe he was just good at acting.

after we paid for groceries, we went out to the car and put them away. the two of us hadn't said a single thing since our dispute with kyle and emily. when tyler was about to start the car i chose to speak up.

"thanks for doing that but..why?" i asked him. he sighed.

"i've wanted to kill him since you explained what happened. but i don't kill people, so i went with the next best thing." he informed me. i chuckled slightly.

"i think you shook up his little girlfriend too." i added.

"good. that outta teach them about infidelity."

tyler backed out of the walmart parking lot. i really wanted to ask him if he meant any of what he said, but i didn't want him to say no. it would make things so awkward.

when we were halfway home, tyler turned the radio off and spoke.

"i meant it." he said.

"what?" i questioned.

"i meant everything that i said. once you left him, it gave me a chance to fall in love with you. and i'd never do what he did to you."

i felt my face get extremely hot. i knew i was blushing insanely. i mean, my best friend who i was in love with just admitted that he felt the same way. who wouldn't blush at that?

"you're in love with me?" i asked.

"yeah..and i'm sorry if that makes things awkward. i just couldn't keep it away from you anymore. i love you, (y/n)." tyler told me. i smiled.

"i love you too. like, a lot."


"yes. i realized it a few weeks ago. my heart no longer burned for kyle. it just..longed for yours." i realized i had accidently said something super deep. i mentally face palmed but then remembered he was the lead singer of twenty one pilots.

"will you be my girlfriend? i promise i'll never cheat on you, i'll never get bored of you, and i'll always be there for you. i'll treat you how you deserve." tyler proposed. i felt like i was going to cry. i never realized there was someone like him out there for me.

"of course. i'd love to be yours, ty." i smiled. tyler then gave me his huge crooked grin that i loved so much.

as we drove to our home, a blissful aura filled the car. it was like nothing and everything changed all at once.

but i wasn't one to complain.

when we made it home, tyler told me to wait in the car. i did so, as curiosity took over. tyler brought the groceries inside and came back out. he got in the car and turned it back on.

"what are we doing?" i asked him. he smirked.

"i, am taking you out on a date."

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