telling venus (josh)

64 2 0

pairing: josh dun x reader
word count: 462
tw: none

a/n: this is a continuation of an earlier imagine i did called agreement.

when we found out we were expecting another baby, josh and i were ecstatic. we always wanted another child, and when i took the pregnancy test and it came back positive, we cried tears of happiness.

we weren't sure how venus would react to having a baby brother or sister. we spoiled venus, so we were worried that she wouldn't want a sibling, and she'd want to stay an only child. but by the time we reached six months, we knew we had to tell her sooner or later. our family and friends already knew.

"so venus, daddy and i have very important news for you." i said at dinner, taking josh's hand.

"what is it, momma?" she replied. i looked at josh.

"do you know how in your favorite TV shows some people have brothers and sisters?" josh asked.

"like peppa and george?" venus asked us. peppa pig was venus' favorite show of all time.

"exactly!" josh replied.

"yeah, what about it?" venus asked.

" a few months you're gonna have a baby sister." i finally told her. her eyes lit up like a christmas tree.

"really?! i'll have someone to play with??" she asked excitedly. josh and i exchanged a short laugh.

"yeah! but it won't be for a few years, because she needs to learn how to talk and walk, and feed herself just like you did." josh told our daughter.

"where is she right now?" venus asked.

"she's in my belly." i answered. her jaw dropped.

"what?! what's she doing in there?" she semi-panicked. i heard josh giggle from behind me.

"she's growing." i said. venus scrunched up her eyebrows.

" did she get in there?" she asked. i looked at josh who's face turned a bit red. i should have known that she'd ask how babies were made.

"we'll put it this way," i started. "daddy has his own little fishes and i have my own little eggs. when dad's fishes and my eggs are together, they make a beautiful baby, just like you. does that make sense?" i explained. josh gave me a thumbs up and venus nodded.

"i wanna be a mom someday." she decided. josh chuckled.

"you've got a lot of time until that happens, princess. lots of time." he told her. venus smiled.

"but i'm already seven years old. i'm a big girl now." she assured him.

"you know, i think that's enough talk on babies. we should continue dinner." i said. the two of them nodded and continued eating dino chicken nuggets (as per venus' request).

i loved my little family i already had started.

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