black out (tyler)

79 4 0

pairing: tyler joseph x reader
word count: 1088
tw: blacking out, intrusive thoughts, language

"tyler you're on in five." mark said, as he passed through. i faced tyler and straightened his red suit.

"are you sure you're okay with working stage hand?" he asked me. i nodded.

"tyler, i'll be fine. we'll be fine. i promise not to lift anything too heavy." i assured him, placing my hand on my stomach out of habit. although i was six months pregnant, i didn't really show that much. but the doctor said i was completely healthy, and there was nothing to worry about.

"i'm just looking out for you. i wouldn't be able to bear it if something happened to you or elle."

"i know you are. now come on, we gotta get out there and put on a fantastic show."

i quickly kissed tyler on the lips as we made our way to the stage. ever since we started dating, i always helped the crew with stagehand to give myself something to do. years later i was still helping, hence my pregnancy. i just liked to help.

i went back stage to find the crew. i spotted hannah, an enthusiastic redhead who i got to know quite well during tour, and i went to greet her.

"hey!" she greeted me. i smiled.

"hey, i'm here to help, as usual. anything for me to do?" i asked her. hannah nodded and gave me instructions.

tyler's pov

"i was told when i get older all my fears would shrink-" i stopped singing when i heard a scream. it wasn't like any normal scream of excitement, it was different.

it was pained.

although i didn't continue, the crowd and josh did. i tried to listen in to where the screams came from.

"what just happened?"

"she just fell and blacked out."

"then somebody call an ambulance, quick!!"

"what's the big deal, we can help her ourselves."

"are you fucking stupid? THAT'S TYLER'S  PREGNANT WIFE!"

with that, i immediately disappeared backstage, leaving the crowd confused. i ran back there and the crew stopped and stared at me. i rushed up to (y/n) and crouched by her.

"no. no, no, no, no, no, i'm so stupid." i muttered. i then looked up at the nearest stagehand. "don't just stand there, call a damn ambulance!!"

"sir, there's one on its way now. what are you going to do about the audience?" the stagehand asked me.

i hadn't thought of that. there were thousands of people waiting for a show, and i just left because my wife blacked out. i looked out there and saw josh. he was explaining to everyone that the show was canceled due to inconveniences.

"we're going to cancel it." i said. i looked down at (y/n). she was still breathing and everything, she had only blacked out. still, i prayed that everything was fine.

after about five minutes, two medics arrived with a stretcher. they checked on (y/n) and made sure she was okay, before they put her on a stretcher and began to bring her outside to the ambulance. i followed them, walking quickly.

"are you riding with her?" a medic asked. i nodded vigorously.

"yes. please." i replied.



i got in the ambulance and they began to check everything on (y/n).

"will she be okay?" i asked, hopefully.

"she blacked out, due to dehydration. she needs water and then she'll be just fine." one medic informed me.

"and the baby?" i asked.

"the fetus should be alright, but we have to check that at the hospital. your wife took quite the fall and we need an ultrasound technician to run an ultrasound for her." a different medic told me. i nodded, silently praying to God that all would be fine.

we arrived to the hospital and they rushed (y/n) out of the ambulance. i followed them but they made me wait in the waiting room.

i shouldn't have allowed her to work stagehand. she should have just watched the show. but i knew even then, something still would have happened because she was dehydrated. why did it have to be her?

i anxiously picked at my nails while i waited. i only waited about and hour before i was greeted by a doctor.

"tyler joseph?" he asked.

"that'd be me." i replied.

"your wife is awake and stable. the fetus is also fine, although i'd take it easy for the next three months."

"okay, can i see her?"

"yes of course, she's been asking for you."

the doctor told me what room (y/n) was in and i walked quickly towards it, anxious to see the love of my life.

your pov

the doctor disappeared and i waited impatiently for tyler. i was glad the baby was okay, but i felt horrible for being a show stopper. i was sure the clique was furious with me. i was furious with me. i let myself get dehydrated and then everyone had to direct their attention towards me. just because i didn't drink water.

"(y/n)!" i saw tyler rushing towards me. he engulfed me in a hug, that in which i obviously accepted.

"i'm so sorry tyler. i didn't mean to ruin the show-"

"you didn't ruin the show. i'm just glad you're okay." tyler interrupted me. i frowned.

"but all that happened because i forgot to drink water. all those fans bought tickets and they didn't get to use them well. i feel so bad." i told him.

"it's okay, really. i'll find a way to refund the tickets, even if i have to use my own money. i'm actually going to cancel the rest of tour, so we can take it easy until elle comes."

"what? no, you don't have to-"

"(y/n)." tyler said, putting a finger to my lips. "i help people. that's what i do. so let me take care of you, okay? i'm going to reschedule the tour so that i can take care of you and be there for you when our daughter comes."

instead of arguing with him more, i just stayed silent. eventually, i gave a small smile and just looked at my husband.

"why do you care about me so much?" i asked him. he smiled.

"because i love you. i don't take 'in sickness and in health' very lightly, sweetheart." he told me. i blushed.

"i love you too, tyler. more than anything.

and i don't know what i'd do without you."

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