it's the thought that counts (josh)

75 4 0

pairing: josh dun x reader
word count: 641
tw: too much fluff, you could die.

after two years, five months, and six days of dating, i was finally meeting him in person.

who is he? josh dun, of course.

a huge part of me was nervous. what if he decided he didn't love me in person?

but, i knew that was bullshit. josh and i had a huge connection. a connection that not many people experienced. i was just lucky.

i waited at the airport. my stomach was filled with butterflies. josh was the best thing to happen to me. i was so excited.

i had a knack for baking, so i baked him banana muffins. i hoped he liked bananas. we never really talked about food. well, except taco bell. we both agreed that if we ever got married, his best friend tyler would get ordained and marry us at taco bell.

"flight 182 has now arrived"

that was josh's flight. i stood up and held up my sign. it said "the one and only josh dun <3"

a few moments later, that was when i heard him.

"(y/n)!" i turned around and saw him. his curly brown hair was so adorable. i dropped my sign and ran to him. (it's pre-tattoo josh, everyone!)

when we made it to each other, he picked me up and spun me around. he then kissed me enthusiastically.

"i love you!" i cried. at that moment, we we're both in tears.

"i love you more!" he cried, back. we just stood there hugging. his hug was calming and reassuring. i knew then, i had no reason to be nervous.

after we pulled away, we realized everyone was watching. they started clapping, like in movies. we blushed.

we headed back to my car, talking the whole time.

when we made it to my car, we got inside and buckled our seatbelts. it was hot in new york, so i turned the air conditioner on. i also turned up the radio a bit.

"oh shit, i almost forgot. i made muffins!" i announced. i went into the backseat and grabbed the bag of mini-muffins.

i gave him the bag and he smiled.

"they're banana..i didn't know if you liked bananas but i just got bored and baked up a storm." i admitted. josh kissed my cheek.

"i don't like bananas, but don't worry. it's the thought that counts, i really appreciate it." josh informed me. i blushed a bit out of embarrassment. i should have asked him if he liked bananas first. i knew i'd probably bake something else later.

"i'm sorry. i really should have asked if you did, that was stupid." i said. josh shook his head.

"no, no, no it's alright. i love you." he assured me. i smiled.

"i love you too." i replied.

before we headed back to my apartment, we got ice-cream and went to the park. (just realized, i always make everyone go to the park. and i don't even go to the park.)

at the park, josh told me about his and tyler's band.

"we're finishing up an album called vessel. i think it's coming out really good, in my opinion." josh informed me.

"i bet it is. i listened to the album you guys released when we first started dating. regional at best." i replied. he smiled and nodded.

"it sucks that you guys can't keep it, i really like the acoustics." i frowned. he shrugged.

"i liked it too. but we have a lot of other stuff planned. like planned for throughout the next few years." josh said. i nodded in amazement.

"that's pretty sick." i told him. he smiled and wrapped his arm around me.

we stayed hanging at the park until it was dark and then we headed home.

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