paparazzi (jebby)

125 4 3

Pairing: Jebby (Josh and Debby)
Word Count: 1053
TW: none

"I wish it wasn't like this, Debby. I wish we could be together. Without anyone hating. It's horrible." I had said to my girlfriend. We were alone by the Hollywood sign. We couldn't be seen in public together or havoc would break loose.

For some reason, the clique hated Debby. They thought she was playing me. It wasn't true though, Debby and I loved each other so very much.

I didn't see how Debby and I's situation was any different than Tyler and Jenna's. Deep down, we were just a boy and a girl deeply in love.

When Debby and I were publicly dating, twitter exploded.

Most were saying it was because she was a popular actress. I didn't understand why her profession mattered. After all, I was a drummer.

At first, we just ignored everyone who came for us. Which, was 85% of the clique.

But, after a while, some clique members were sending Debby death threats. It was horrible. She often came home from her day on set for her show "Jessie" in tears. She hadn't even done nothing wrong.

We had broken up. Legitimately. It hurt my heart more than anything in the world. But, I became friends with a singer named Halsey who gave me wise advice.

"If you love Debby, get her back. If the clique actually respects you, they'll understand. It's your life. Live it." She had said. That's when I knew what I had to do.

I went and I got Debby back. It felt like a weight was being lifted off of my shoulders. I loved her so much

The only thing that was different about our relationship, was that we weren't telling our fans about our relationship. They didn't need to know. They simply couldn't know. Every Friday night, we would go stargazing by the Hollywood sign. It was just our thing.

"I know, Josh. I wish we could tell everyone. But, the world is cruel." Debby replied. I layed down on the grass and she layed next to me. I took her hand in mine.

"One day, we will tell them. They'll just have to accept it. After all, I would like to marry you someday." I told her. I had wished I didn't say that last part. We never discussed marriage before.

Debby sat up. I sat up with her. A smile crept up on her face.

"We've never discussed marriage. You really think that could be for us, one day?" She asked. I moved a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Maybe one day. If you'd have me." I said. Her cheeks turned a shade of pink. You could barely see it because of her makeup.

"I think I might. If your fans started to accept me, it would be easier for-"

Flash. Click.

I looked to my left and saw a short man with a camera. Paparazzi.

"Hah. Sorry." The man said, and ran. I started to run after him, but I couldn't catch him. This couldn't be good.

I went back to Debby when I realized I couldn't catch the paparazzi. The clique was probably already coming for us at that moment.

"I'm sorry, Deb. I couldn't catch him. We're going to be exposed." I told Debby sadly. She shook her head in defeat.

"We can't break up this time.. right?" She asked. What? Why would she think that?

"Of course not. I love you, I'm not letting you go this time." I replied. She smiled and pulled me into a hug.

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