taco bell (tyler)

104 3 0

Pairing: Tyler Joseph X Reader
Word Count: 1049
TW: none

I took a few deep breaths.

You're just going out with the lead singer to your favorite band. To Taco Bell. You have nothing to worry about.

If the person I was going out with wasn't Tyler Joseph, I'd probably be much more calm.

But Tyler saved my life. Before he even knew me.

I fixed my eyeliner. I remembered when I was an angsty teen who got angered because she couldn't get her eyeliner to be even.

Now I was an angsty 22 year old who actually could get her eyeliner even.

Talk about character development.

I slipped my Converse on and took a drink of water.

I had ten minutes until Tyler picked me up.

I went to my living room and my cat, Patrick came to sit by me. He looked like a Patrick but, I didn't name him that for that reason.

I had a serious Fall Out Boy phase when I was 16.

Next thing I knew, I was dropping my Fall Out Boy phase for my Twenty One Pilots phase and, ta-da Tyler Joseph ended up asking me out on a date.

Not what I had planned but, I wasn't complaining.


tylerrjoseph: i'm here, i think.

(Y/U/N): Okay, I'll be right out.

"Bye, Patrick!" I said. I grabbed my wallet and went outside.

Surely enough, Tyler was waiting in a black car.

"Hey." I said, getting in the car.

"'Sup." Tyler replied. His hands and neck were still slightly stained from his concert a few days before. Tour De Columbus. Of all my favorite tours, Tour De Columbus was my favorite. Not only because it was in our hometown. Just the way everything was set up.

"How are you?" I asked, starting conversation.

"I'm pretty good. How about yourself?" He answered.

"Same here. Just hungry." I told him.

"Me too. I'm always hungry when it comes to Taco Bell." Tyler agreed. I remembered a song he made called TB Saga. I chose not to bring it up.

"You look really pretty." He complimented me. I blushed like a fool.

"You too." I said, not realizing. Thankfully, he just laughed.

"I know, I'm super gorgeous, right?" He joked. We laughed together.

Then we were silent. I didn't know what to say. The fangirl in me was was still trying to process that I was going on a date with Tyler Joseph.

Then I said the stupidest thing yet. I could've just kept my mouth shut, but I was me.

"Well, looks like you got a new car radio. So you no longer have to sit in silence." I cringed at my reference. Tyler however, did not seem phased.

"True. But, here we are haha." He replied. He went to the the radio on. His radio was on the local alt station. Mine always was too.

We eventually made it to Taco Bell. Tyler got out of the car first and opened my door for me. Such a gentleman.

"Thanks, Tyler." I thanked him. He took my hand and just shrugged his shoulders.

"Just how I was raised. What do you think you're going to get?" Tyler asked me. I never planned what to get because I always got the same thing.

"Probably a Burrito Supreme. You?" I answered. A smile spread to his face. Being the fangirl I was, I should have known the next words to come out of his mouth.

"A Chalupa. No tomatoes." He replied. I smiled and shook my head.

"Of course." I said.

Tyler put on regular sunglasses as we went into Taco Bell. I knew it was probably because he didn't want to be noticed.

There weren't many people into Taco Bell. Just a lady with two children pulling at her dress.

"But, Moooom. I wanted Mcdonald's." The one little girl complained. She had red hair and freckles covered her nose.

"Yes, but Taco Bell is better. You'll understand once you're too big for the McDonald's play palace." The mother argued. The little girl sighed as they left the restaurant.

"The mom makes a valid point." Tyler said to me quietly before we ordered. I nodded in agreement.

Once we got our food and sat down in a both, Tyler stared at me curiously. I blushed, of course.

"What are you thinking?" I had asked him. He just shrugged his shoulders.

"Just trying to figure you out." He admitted.

"I could tell you a bit about myself." I offered. He nodded.

"That'd be sick." He replied.

"Well, I'm 22. I've lived in Columbus all of my life. My parents went down to Florida three years ago and left me their house. I have a cat named Patrick and I despise the color pink." I told Tyler. He nodded in acknowledgement.

"Very interesting. Well you probably know a bit about me, of course. I'm 27 and I'm in a band with my best friend Josh Dun. I also lived in Columbus most of my life. I also despise bananas and I'm a bit scared of dogs." Tyler told me. I knew most of the things he told me but, I pretended I was learning it for the first time. What was the point of a date without getting to know one another?

"Dogs, huh? I'm absolutely terrified of spiders, no worry." I said. Tyler laughed.

"But spiders are so tiny." He told me.

"My bad, but let's not forget they have like eight legs and a hundred eyes." I argued, jokingly. He held his hands up in defeat.

"Fair fair." He said.

We finished eating and then Tyler groaned with his hands on his stomach.

"Welp, I'm full!" He said. I laughed as I was too.

"Hey, you could make a TB saga part 3." I joked.

"No. Absolutely not." He laughed.

We took care of our trash and went outside to his car.

Tyler drove me home, walked me to my doorstep, and ended up kissing my cheek. My stomach instantly felt like a swarm of butterflies found their home.

I went inside and sat on my couch. Patrick came to me and meowed until I pet him. I was in such a good mood.

That date went way better than I had expected.

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