there for you (josh)

87 3 0

pairing: josh dun x reader
word count: 1317
tw: drugs, angst

"we're twenty one pilots and so are you." tyler and i said to the crowd, and bowed. my head was throbbing and i could barely make out the sounds of the crowd applauding us.

tyler and i headed backstage and i went looking for my girlfriend, (y/n).

surely enough, she was waiting for me in my dressing room.

"babe you did amazing!" she told me. i smiled and went up to my dresser. i grabbed my bottle of painkillers and grabbed three. i was only supposed to take two but my head was killing me.

"thank you, (y/n). i love you." i replied. she came up to me and left a kiss on my neck.

"i love you too josh. how about.." she started to take off my shirt but i stopped her.

"i would but my head is killing me." i told her. she nodded understandingly.

"did you take any pain killers?" she asked me. i nodded.

"three." i replied. worry flashed on her beautiful features.

"josh you're only supposed to take two max. those are extremely addictive." she warned me. i shook my head.

"don't you worry your pretty little head about me. i'll be perfectly fine." i told her. she kissed the top of my head.

"i'm just looking out for you. i'll always be there for you." she promised me. i smiled.

"love you." i said.

"i love you too." she told me.

two weeks later

i rushed back stage to my dressing room trying to beat (y/n). the truth was, i had still been taking pain killers. not only did they relieve the killer headache i would get after shows but they helped a lot with stress and anxiety.

i had a feeling (y/n) wouldn't be happy with this. but i was perfectly fine. they helped me a lot.

i headed to my dresser and grabbed the bottle of pain killers. i was nearly out. there was five left so i just took the rest of the bottle.

"josh." i turned around and (y/n) was there.

"(y/n) long have you been there?" i asked her. she walked up to be and stroked my face.

"your eyes are extremely bloodshot. many pain killers did you just take?" she asked me. i guiltily looked at the ground.

"well..i finished the bottle." i admitted. she became alarmed.

"josh that was the second bottle this week. how many was in there? be honest, babe. i just want to be there for you." she asked me. i knew i couldn't lie to her. i loved her so much.

"five." i admitted. i wasn't able to look her in her eyes. i could feel her disappointment radiating off her body.

"five? josh..we need to get you help." she told me. i then looked her in the eyes.

"help? (y/n) i'm not addicted to them. i can stop whenever i want. but they help with lots more than just headaches. stress, anxiety, lots of stuff." i told her. she still didn't back down.

"i'm not buying you anymore pain killers. and i'm going to trust that you don't either. you have to believe me when i tell you, this could ruin your life." (y/n) started to cry. i wiped her tears. i couldn't let her know that i was going to continue taking them. i saw how much it hurt her. i just wish i knew why.

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