one dance (josh)

60 3 0

pairing: josh dun x reader
word count: 835
tw: none

"okay josh and (y/n). it's your turn." one of jenna's aunts told josh and i. given that i was jenna's maid of honor and josh was tyler's best man, it was mandatory that we walked down the isle together. i didn't mind. josh and i were close friends. all four of us were.

josh and i linked arms and walked together. i was wearing the blue lacy dress that every bridesmaid wore and josh was wearing the tux that the groomsmen(?) wore. josh's hair matched my dress. we were perfectly color coordinated together.

i stood in front of kristen, jenna's sister. she was really nice. i had gotten to know her while wedding planning with jenna.

"hello, (y/n)." she whisper greeted me. i smiled and said hello back. i looked at josh and he was staring at me. i blushed a bit but mentally shook my head. we were just friends.

tyler made his way down the isle and stood in front of josh. he looked nervous. i understood why. he and jenna were about to belong to each other forever.

it was finally jenna's turn to come down the isle. her long white dress was beautiful. as was she. jenna held on to her father's arm tightly.

i looked at tyler. he seemed to be on the verge of tears. the way they looked at each other would erase any doubts that they were meant to be. they were a power couple.

it then hit me that i wanted that with someone.


(not making you read their whole ceremony but, if you want to, there is a short story i wrote about that.)

i sat at one of the tables by the dance floor. josh was grabbing me a drink and jenna and tyler were having their first dance as a married couple.

josh returned to me with a cup of water, mid dance.

"i'm really happy for them." he said. i nodded.

"yeah, me too. i always knew they would eventually get married one day." i replied. he smiled.

"i thought tyler was going to break down into tears when she was walking down the isle." josh told me. i let out a giggle, as i thought the same thing.

"so did i. i wouldn't have been surprised if he did. that tends to happen at weddings." i said.

"true." he agreed. tyler and jenna's first dance ended and upbeat music came on. josh stood up and held his hand out for me to take.

"wanna dance?" he proposed. i chuckled.

"no way. i have two left feet. i'll trip you." i told him. he shrugged.

"i'll take it." he said. i shook my head at his persistence.

"really, i suck at dancing." i said to him.

"come on, just one dance?" josh begged. i thought for a moment. i sighed and stood up.

"fine." i gave in. josh pulled me to the dance floor.

we danced and, as promised, i stepped on josh's feet multiple times. he only laughed.

"maybe you do have two left feet." he said. i chuckled.

"thanks for your honesty, bestie." i replied, a bit sarcastically. the upbeat song ended and i almost felt a need to pout. i did enjoy dancing with josh. a slow song came on and before i realized it, i was stopping josh from exiting the dance floor.

"what's wrong?" he asked me. i shrugged.

"wanna dance?" i asked, copying exactly how he asked me. he smiled.

"as long as you don't step on my feet again." he joked.

"i can try not to." i promised.

i rested my arms on josh's shoulders and he rested his hands on my waist. we had never been this intimate before. sure we were close friends, but that's all we really were.

i looked into josh's brown eyes. he was looking into mine as well. for some reason, i felt a longing for my friend. one i had felt before but pushed it off because i never really understood it.

but right then, i finally understood it.

"josh..i should tell you something." i said to the blue haired boy in front of me.

"what's up?" he asked. i took a small breath.

"i think..i think i'm in love with you." i admitted. josh stopped dancing.

"you are?" he asked, surprised. i always denied it at first so i knew he would be surprised. but i was done trying to hide from it. i nodded and gave a weak smile.

he pulled me into a kiss that nearly blew me away. i smiled against his lips before he pulled away.

"i take it you feel the same?" i asked. he smiled and nodded.

"i love you, (y/n)." he told me.

"i love you too, josh." i replied.

we walked back to our table hand in hand.

a/n: i know this one wasn't great but i figured it was something to post.

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