diary (josh)

101 4 0

Pairing: Josh Dun X Reader
Word Count: 825
TW: none

Dear Diary,
I met a boy. He makes my dull heart light up with joy.

I sighed as I closed my diary. I often reread what I wrote when I didn't have time to write. I was just reading what I wrote about my best friend.

Everyone says, "Don't get a boy best friend, you'll fall in love." but I didn't believe them. I met plenty of people who didn't fall for their boy best friend.

I couldn't help it.

His smile...the way he always knew when I was having a bad day and how to make me feel better..how could I not fall for Josh Dun?

"(Y/N)?" I looked up. My teacher was trying to get my attention.

"Huh? Sorry." I apologized quickly. The teacher got back to teaching.

I was in deep trouble. I was almost positive that Josh saw me as a friend. Or like a little sister, given he was a year older than me. (More like 18 1/2 years older in real life, chile.)

The way we met had a nice little story.

I was reading at the football game. I hated sport events but always had to go because my sibling was into athletics. Josh sat next to me and started talking to me about music. We then found out we both liked My Chemical Romance. Since then, we've been best friends.

But just best friends.

The only reason I ever wrote in a diary about him was because, my feelings got so intense and I had nobody to tell.

Josh was my only friend. And I wasn't very close with my family.


The bell went off and I grabbed my bookbag and headed to study hall.

Something felt off. I didn't know what it was.

I went to sit in the back off class like I usually did. It was that or sit next to the red-head who had a huge crush on Josh. Josh sincerely disliked her. I didn't know why. Sure, Debby was loud but, she had potential. She was friendly towards me until he rejected her. But, I know it was only because she thought he and I were a thing.

I went into my bookbag to grab my diary.

It wasn't in there.

I began to internally panic. Everything in there was about Josh.

Dreams..deepest feelings.. everything.

I prayed nobody would read it. I would be in so much trouble.

Breathe, (Y/N).

"Are you alright? You're hyperventilating." Debby asked. I nodded. I didn't even realize that was the first time she was friendly towards me since Josh rejected her.

I sat there hyperventilating, coming up with scenarios, for the whole period. Up until the bell rang.

I wanted to go back to English to grab my diary but everyone knew the teacher went out to Pizza Hut for lunch so the door would be locked.

I tried to hide my panic as I walked to the cafeteria.

Josh was waiting for me at our lunch table. His face was red. Was he mad? No. He seemed.. embarrassed.

I sat by him.

"Hey." I said. He gave a small smile.

"Hi. Uhm..here." He answered. My heart dropped to my stomach as he gave me my diary. I completely forgot that Josh had English right after me and he sat in my seat. Of course he did.

"Oh, thanks." I thanked him. Certainly he didn't read it..right?

"I uh was looking for a name and I ended up reading a bit more.." He admitted. I felt my face warm up. Josh knew how I felt.

"Josh..I can explain-"

"I feel the same way." Josh interrupted me.

"Really?" I asked, blushing profusely. A full smile bursted on his face.

"(Y/N), I've had a crush on you since I first saw you at the game. My main intention was to actually ask you out. But we became best friends and I grew scared to ruin our friendship. I had no idea you felt the same way." Josh explained.

"I didn't think you'd feel the same way. I thought you saw me like a sister." I admitted. Josh shook his head.

"Definitely not." He replied. We were silent for a few moments. I didn't know what to say. I never planned for him to know how I felt.

"(Y/N), will you be my girlfriend?" Josh asked me after a few moments. I smiled.

"Of course I will." I agreed.

"I was really hoping you'd say that." He said as the bell rang for seventh period. That was the only class Josh and I had together. It was only because I took senior level math as a junior.

"Ladies first." Josh said, motioning me to go ahead of him. Instead, I took his hand and we walked together.

It almost felt like I was dreaming.

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