thunderstorm (josh)

87 5 0

pairing: josh dun x reader
word count: 787
tw: sensual content (no smut but there is making out)

"josh look at the sky!" i said, pointing to the huge swarm of clouds. they were a dark grey, nearly purple.

"it's going to rain." he announced. i sighed. we still had two hours left until we arrived home from the airport. tour was good but i really missed home. if the rain was bad i knew we'd have to stop.

"don't worry, beautiful. the rain shouldn't be too bad." josh assured me. i nodded.

we continued to drive. the radio was on but it was cranked really low. it started beeping.

severe thunderstorm warning for the following counties..

i turned up the radio and listened closely. they made it through all the counties in ohio until they made it to the one we were in.

"don't worry. like i said, we should be fine." josh told me.

"if we need to stop somewhere, we can." i replied. he nodded.

it started sprinkling. it was light at first but then in started raining harder and harder. eventually it was downpouring.

josh continued to drive, even through the shitty conditions. i knew it was getting harder for him to see and he was slowly getting more anxious. as much as i wanted us to get home, i knew we needed to stop somewhere.

"josh there should be an empty lot in a half mile. just pull over there." i told him. he shook his head.

"i'm fine." he replied.

"just pull over there. i know you're getting anxious." i said. we made it to the empty lot and josh finally pulled over. we just sat in silence.

"it's really raining hard." i said. josh took my hand.

"yeah. when you're not trying to drive in it it's kind of..calming." he replied.

"it is." i agreed.

"did you enjoy tour for the first time?" josh asked me. i nodded and smiled. it was definitely exciting.

"i did! you guys did very well at each show." i told him, truthfully. josh chuckled, slightly.

"remember when the security thought you and jenna were groupies at the one show?" josh reminded me. i chuckled in response.

"yeah, jenna got super defensive. she was like 'listen you big dude, i need to get into that dressing room to wish my husband good luck and if you don't let us through, i'm getting you fired. got it?' and then the security guard moved immediately." i recalled. we both laughed.

we sat in silence listening to the rain hit the windshield. it seemed like it would break the glass, though that was highly unlikely.

i sat and pondered my thoughts for a moment. josh and i had been together for over a year but we hadn't exchanged 'i love you's' yet. granted, i went on tour with him, but i was always too scared to say it. when i met josh, i was so broken. but he fixed we back up again.

"hey josh?" i asked. he looked at me.

"yes, (y/n)?" he replied. i took a deep yet shaky breath.

"i..i think i've fallen deeply in love with you." i admitted, quietly. josh didn't say anything at first, and i started to wonder if he even felt the same way.

"you have?" he asked me. i nodded, unable to form words.

"i've fallen for you too." josh admitted. i felt a smile creep up on my face.

"you really mean it?" i asked, slightly shocked.

"how could i not? you're kind, witty, funny, and so so very beautiful. sometimes i feel like i have to pinch myself because you seem too good to be true. which is part of the reason why i haven't told you i loved you yet. i knew i loved you the day i met you, (y/n)." josh told me. i was once again, at loss for words.

i leaned in close to josh and kissed him, pationately. the kiss was soft, but filled with love.

josh pushed his seat back and i sat on his lap as we continued the kiss. neither of us pulled away for air. the moment was to golden to ruin it.

at that point, we were making out. the rain was drowning out our soft moans.

"heh, i love you josh." i told my boyfriend. he smiled.

"i love you too, baby." he replied. we pulled away and i sat back in my seat. we continued to talk about memories we made during tour.

eventually, the rain calmed down and we continued driving to our home.

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