valentine's day (josh)

60 3 0

pairing: josh dun x reader
word count: 850
tw: a tiny bit of angst and an unplanned pregnancy

josh opened my car door for me and took my hand. we walked to the front door of the restaurant and he opened that door for me too. he was such a gentleman.

this was our first valentine's day as a married couple. usually we just stayed home and watched movies but this year he wanted it to be different. i didn't mind though.

"we have a six o'clock reservation for dun." josh told the waiter. the waiter looked at his clipboard and then walked up to our table. josh smiled at me and i smiled back. he was so good for me.

we took a seat at our table and looked at the menus.

"could i start you off with something to drink?" the waiter as politely.

"could you bring us a bottle of champagne, please?" josh replied. i felt a small feeling of panic.

"a-actually i just want a cup of water. please." i said. josh looked confused but then looked at the waiter.

"two cups of water." josh agreed.

"of course. i'll return with your waters and then take your order." the waiter told us. we nodded and he walked away.

"are you feeling okay?" josh asked. i nodded. the truth was that i was pregnant. but i didn't know how to tell josh. we had agreed on no kids. it was just one night when we drank too much..

"yeah, i just don't want to drink tonight." i said. josh seemed unconvinced but wiped it off.

the waiter returned with our waters and took our order. i ordered a spaghetti and josh ordered something that had to do with fish. i didn't really like seafood. it made me sick.

"you look absolutely gorgeous tonight." josh complimented me while we were eating. i blushed.

"aw josh. you look really handsome." i flirted back.

we finished eating and, after arguing back and forth over who would pay, josh won and payed for dinner. he insisted now that we were married it was our money and that why he should have been able to pay. i was stubborn but eventually gave in.

josh and i drove home. the car ride was silent, which was unusual, but i could tell josh was in deep thought. i just let it go. it was supposed to be our night after all.

when we got home, we were greeted by a happy jim. he smothered us both in kisses before we went to sit on the couch.

"movie?" he suggested. i smiled and nodded.

"of course." i agreed. he got up and turned on fifty first dates.

even though we were still in our date clothes, we curled up next to each other and watched the movie. towards the end, josh spoke up.

"i love you, (y/n)." he told me. i smiled.

"i love you too, josh." i replied.

he leaned down and kissed me passionately. then he made his way down my neck. he reached to unzip my dress but i stopped him.

"wait wait wait." i said. he stopped and looked in my eyes.

"what's wrong, is everything okay?" josh asked me.

"yeah i just, i don't want to tonight." i replied.

"are you sure you're okay? you seem a little off tonight. first no champagne and that's impossible." i knew then that josh had figured it out. i didn't want to tell him that night. it was valentine's day, i knew it would ruin everything. but he had already figured it out. all i had to do was confirm it.

"i'm pregnant." i admitted. fear flushed josh's face.

"i thought we were careful." he said to me. i shook my head.

"i'm so sorry. i know we didn't want kids but that night when we were drunk we didn't use protection. this is my fault, i understand if you don't want it. i'm so-"

"hey, hey, hey it's okay. don't freak out, it happens." josh tried to comfort me. i was freaking out completely. i didn't know what to do.

"what do you want to do?" i asked him. he was silent for a moment.

"if you want to, i say we keep the baby. i know it wasn't our plan to have kids but i feel like we would make good parents." josh said. i gave a small smile. i didn't initially want kids but if it was with josh i knew i could make an acception.

"i agree. i think we would make pretty good parents." i replied. josh took my hand.

"okay." he said.

"okay." i agreed.

he the scooped me up and started walking towards our bedroom. i giggled.

"what are you doing?" i asked.

"time for bed." he replied. he set me down on our bed.

we got our pajamas on and layed next to each other in bed. i fell asleep, feeling assured that everything was going to be okay. but everything was always okay when i had josh by my side.

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