it's you (josh)

64 4 0

pairing: josh dun x reader
word count: 1402
tw: angst

josh's pov

my love for her was sickening.

she was beautiful. absolutely beautiful. we were only friends, but i couldn't deny that i wanted more. but she was with him.

i didn't understand what she saw in him. he treated her like an object. like a side-piece. i wouldn't even be surprised if he was cheating on her. it wasn't fair.

i knew i would be better for her. but i stayed silent. how could she feel the same? she was with him after all.

i just wished things were different. i wished we lived in an alternative reality where she would be by my side. on tour, at parties, even when id go see my parents. but that was not the reality we lived in. and i had to be grateful that she was my best friend in the first place.

"josh!" tyler said loudly, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"what? what's going on?" i asked.

"i've been trying to get your attention. (y/n) is going to appear tonight but alex is coming too. so play nice." he informed me. it was no secret that alex and i disliked each other. but only tyler knew how i felt towards (y/n).

"oh okay. why wouldn't i play nice?" i asked. tyler raised an eyebrow.

"at brendon's last party, you snapped at him multiple times." he brought up. i shook my head.

"he was treating (y/n) like an object he could just drag around. she doesn't deserve that." i defended myself.

"if she wants out of that relationship, she'll leave. she is an adult after all." tyler told me. i nodded, as he was right.

"i know. you're right, i shouldn't let my feelings get the best of me." i said.

just then, brendon appeared with two beers. he already looked drunk and the party hadn't even started. that was typical of him. (i like writing brendon urie in fanfics because he's fun to write but just know, i don't support his actions. at all.)

"beer?" he offered. i shook my head.

"nah, you know i don't drink." i told him. tyler took one of the beers.

"mm, more for me then." brendon replied. i rolled my eyes, playfully.

after about an hour, people began to show up. i stayed on the couch. parties weren't really my thing, but i always showed to see my friends. even if i was quite awkward.

when (y/n) showed up, she sat across from me. alex sat by her. when tyler noticed they both showed, he sat by me. to make sure i didn't say anything rude to alex, no doubt.

"hey guys! it's so good to see you." (y/n) said to tyler and i. i smiled.

"likewise." i replied. she looked really pretty, as if that were anything new.

"it's nice to see you too." tyler said to her.

we all socialized with each other for a while. alex wasn't being too much of an ass, which made it easier to bare. but, as always, he said something to ruin it all.

"babe, what do you say we occupy one of these bedrooms?" i heard alex whisper to (y/n). my stomach twisted but i ignored it. they were dating and it wasn't my place so meddle with their relationship. (y/n) didn't belong to me.

"i'm actually not really feeling up to it tonight, alex." (y/n) replied, quietly.

"come on, please." alex pleaded. he pressed his lips to her neck. she shook her head.

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