worth it (jyler)

67 2 0

Pairing: jyler
Word Count: 826
TW: cringy song reference :))))

"Okay Jenna, breathe. I'll grab the stuff and we can head to the hospital." I said. Jenna's water had just broken.

"Okay. Okay, okay, okay. We got this-OH MY GOD IT HURTS SO BAD." She cried. I flinched. I hated it when she was in pain.

I grabbed everything and put it in the bag. The baby was a week earlier than we expected, so we weren't exactly ready.

I grabbed my keys and we headed to the car.

The entire trip to the hospital was horrifying. Jenna was in so much pain and traffic could not go any slower. I was so stressed I nearly got us into a fender bender. But, thankfully, we did eventually make it to the hospital.

I guided Jenna into the hospital (she was leaning against my shoulder). I had no idea what to do once we got in. So I just called for someone.

"Someone help! My wife's in labor!" I yelled. Doctors and nurses got a hospital bed for Jenna and led her into a hospital room. (I've never given birth and I've never been with someone who was giving birth so, this might not be too accurate. Sorry, haha.)

We were sitting in the room for about five minutes until a doctor came in.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph. I'm Dr. Wells and I'll be delivering your baby. May I see how far until we need to go into delivery?" The doctor asked. She was a short brunette with a high pitched voice. She was older as well.

"Of course. That's what we're here for, isn't it?" Jenna replied. Dr. Wells chuckled slightly.

"I guess so." She agreed. Dr. Wells checked how many centimeters dilated Jenna was and a look of suprise appeared to her face.

"Looks like we can head to the delivery room. This baby is nearly ready to be born." The doctor announced. Jenna and I exchanged glances.

"We get to meet her soon." I said to my wife. She smiled and nodded.

"Let's go." Jenna said.

Dr. Wells, along with a couple of other doctors, began to roll Jenna's hospital bed to her delivery room.

To say that the delivery went smoothly would be a complete lie.

When it was time to start pushing, nothing was happening. Jenna pushed for nearly an hour and we still got nothing. At all.

"Is she stuck?" I asked. Dr. Wells shook her head.

"No. We just need to push a bit more." She told us.

Jenna pushed for nearly twenty minutes more. Still we got nothing.

"I am going to call a few more doctors. We are going to have to preform a cesarean." Dr. Wells decided. She left the room for a moment and Jenna and I were alone.

"How's it going, love?" I asked my wife. She looked up at me and a witty smile stretched on her face.

"I'm in pain, of course. However, I just thought of something." She told me. I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, yeah? What's that?" I asked.

"I'm giving birth and stuff." She announced. I shook my head at her reference to a song I wrote over ten years before.

"Looks like it." I replied. Just then, Dr. Wells entered the room again with two other doctors.

"Ready to meet your baby?" Dr. Wells asked. Jenna and I nodded.

Time skip

"Here she is." One of the doctors said, handing me my daughter.

A huge wave of emotion came crashing down on me. It was amazing.

Our daughter was beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. I was so, so happy I decided to stay alive. It was completely worth it.

"She's out?" Jenna asked. I wanted to let Jenna hold our daughter but, the doctors were still stitching her up.

"Yes. She's absolutely beautiful. She looks just like you." I told my wife.

"I'm excited to hold her." She told me. Dr. Wells spoke up.

"You don't have to wait much longer." She told my wife, removing the curtain that was over her body.

I handed Jenna the baby and she started to cry.

"Awwwe. She's beautiful." She cried. I kissed the top of Jenna's head.

"Do you guys have a named picked out?" Dr. Wells asked us. I looked at Jenna. She smiled.

"Rosie." We said at the same time.

"Such a pretty name." The doctor told us.

I watched as my wife stared at our daughter. There was so much adoration in her eyes. I wondered if I looked the same way.

I had only known my daughter for about ten minutes but I already knew one thing.

Rosie was the second tear in my heart.

A/N: I apologise if this one isn't written as well as the others. Sometimes I plan out certain imagines but then I find it hard to write out, if that makes sense. I hope this one isn't too bad though. Much love!

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