positive (jebby)

90 3 1

Pairing: Jebby
Word Count: 741
TW: doubt (No silly, not the song)

"You know what? I hope you drop fu-"


I was beginning to rehearse my lines for my show, when I threw up everywhere.

I was so embarrassed.

"Janitor! Debby, you okay?" My co-star and director of the show, Chris asked me. I nodded.

"I am so sorry. Lately, I've just been feeling sick lately..I don't know why." I admitted. I had one idea as to why, but I tried not to think of it. Although I was married to the love of my life, neither of us had discussed children. Josh and I already had our dog Jim.

"Well, I guess that's a wrap for today. I hope you feel better." Chris told me. I gave him a small smile.

"Thanks, Chris." I thanked him and headed towards the dressing room. I just wanted to get my comfortable clothes on and get home to Josh. I had missed him.

"Hey, Debby. You feeling okay?" My friend Kimmy asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, yeah. Must've been something I ate." I replied. She raised an eyebrow.

"Or.." She started. I knew exactly where she was going.

"No. I don't think I'm pregnant, Kimmy." I told her. She shrugged.

"I hope you feel better, girl." She said and gave me a hug. She was such a good friend. (Anyways, stan Kimmy Shields)

I grabbed my car keys and headed outside. Then it all dawned on me.

Maybe..maybe I was pregnant. That wouldn't be a horrible thing..we just never talked about it. Josh was always so great with his best friend's daughter..but would he want to be a father himself?

I shook it off again and just got into my car. I needed to get home before I overthought..

Next thing I knew, I found myself driving to the nearest convenience store. I needed to be sure whether or not I was carrying a child.

I bought three pregnancy tests. One told me by color. One told me by lines. And one told me straight up whether or not I was pregnant or not pregnant.

As I officially drove home, I started to get worried. I knew I needed to calm down.

Just because we never talked about having children, did not mean he didn't want any. Right?

I pulled into my driveway. Many would think that since we lived in Hollywood we would have a mansion or a huge house but, Josh and I wanted to keep it simple like how it used to be when we lived in his hometown. Columbus, Ohio.

I grabbed my bag of tests and headed inside my house.

"Hello, Sunshine." Josh greeted me when I entered the house. I sort of hid the bag. I didn't know why. He would've found out either way.

"Hi, Dunshine." I greeted him back. Usually, when he called me Sunshine I would call him Dunshine. It was just our thing.

"What's in that bag?" Josh asked, pointing to the bag behind my back.

"Oh uhm..I think I might be pregnant. I know, crazy thought I just kinda threw up all over set today. And I've felt nauseous like, all week." I said quickly. Josh nodded understandingly.

"Hopefully it's positive. I wouldn't mind a little Dunshine wandering the halls of our house." He told me happily. I sighed slightly in relief. Why did I ever think he wouldn't want a baby?

"I'd like that too." I agreed. I took one of the tests from the bag.

I went into the bathroom and did what I needed. There was no denying how anxious I was while waiting for the results.

"At first I was scared when I thought about being pregnant. We've never really discussed children." I admitted while we were waiting.

"I wanted to wait a little while but ever since Tyler and Jenna had Rosie, I've kind of fallen in love with the idea." Josh told me. I smiled.

"I've always wanted to have children. I mean, how couldn't I? After taking care of the kids on the set of Jessie, I kind of developed a motherly instinct for them all." I added.

"If we do end up having a baby, you'll be a great mother, Debby. There is no doubt in my mind." He assured me. Josh kissed my forehead.

"Are you ready?" I had asked him. He smiled.

"Absolutely." He replied.


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