arguments (tyler)

77 3 0

pairing: tyler joseph x reader
word count: 731
tw: angst, language

"where the hell have you been?! i've been worried sick, i've called you a million times." tyler exclaimed as soon as (y/n) got home. she sighed.

"i was with josh. you knew this." she replied. tyler scoffed.

"no, i didn't. you don't fucking tell me anything anymore, (y/n). we're in a relationship, you're supposed to tell me where you are."

"i don't have to tell you everything tyler. i'm a grown ass woman, i'm not going to give you a chance to control me."

"control you?! you think i'm controlling? well forgive me for worrying about the girl i'm in love with."

"the only thing you were worried about is me cheating on you with josh. new flash, this isn't some angsty fanfiction where your girlfriend cheats on you with your best friend. this is real life ty, and if you're not going to trust me, we aren't going to work out."

"i see how you guys are, of course i'm going to be insecure. and you never reassure me anymore. you just call me insane and tell me you guys aren't cheating."

"i wouldn't cheat on you. jesus christ, you're all i've ever wanted. why can't you see that?"

"i-i'm sorry."

(y/n) was silent. tyler had never apologized during an argument. maybe he was just worried. she really didn't understand why he thought she may have been cheating. but then again, she and him had always seen the world and how it works...differently.

"we can't keep having these arguments." (y/n) said, quietly. tyler nodded.

"you're right. it's not healthy for our relationship. we need to change something but.. what do we change?"

"i don't think there's anything we can change."

"so then what?"

(y/n) stood up and looked her boyfriend in the eyes.

"i think we need to take a break."

three months later

(y/n) walked into the familiar coffee shop. she was meeting josh for coffee like they did every wednesday. although her relationship with tyler had ended, her friendship with josh stayed intact; and may have even became stronger.

she saw they curly haired boy waiting for her at a booth. she walked to him with a wide smile on her face.

"josh! it's so good to see you." she greeted him, warmly.

"likewise. you look amazing." he replied. (y/n) blushed.

"thank you, so much. so how have things been?"

the two talked about everything that had been going on during the week. they talked about their jobs and josh talked about the new album he and tyler had been working on.

at first, the topic of tyler was weird to bring up so neither of them did. but by then, it was easy, as if (y/n) and tyler were never together in the first place.

the coffee shop door opened. in came a tall blonde girl with beautiful blue eyes and a dashing smile. holding her hand, was a boy with fluffy brown hair and chocolate brown eyes.

a boy that could only be identified as tyler joseph.

the blonde and brunette waved to josh and (y/n) and took a seat at a booth that was across the room from them. no awkward tention came with tyler and (y/n) seeing each other. perhaps it was better that way.

josh and (y/n) were about to pay and leave, when josh decided to ask her a question.

"uh, hey, (y/n) i've been wanting to ask you something." josh said. (y/n) looked at him expectantly.

"what's up, buttercup?" she questioned.

"do you- would you like to start dating?"

(y/n) smiled and nodded. relief flooded josh's face. he was worried that she'd think he had a thing for her when she was with tyler. that wasn't the case at all. at the time they really were just friends. but a lot can change in three months.

"yes, josh. id love to start dating you." (y/n) agreed. the two payed and left the coffee shop. they decided they would hang out together as boyfriend and girlfriend.

at the beginning it was all planned out. it was supposed to be (y/n) and tyler against the world. they seemed to be a match made in heaven.

but it was too bad they were on earth.

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