amnesia (tyler)

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Pairing: Tyler Joseph X Reader
Word Count: 1234
TW: Amnesia, Angst

I woke up and I had no idea where I was. I only remembered a few things. My name. My age. My address. And my family.

The room I was in was mostly white and I was in a gown. I was almost positive that I was in a hospital. I had never been in one myself though (except for when I was born).

Just as I was about to push a red button, a boy who appeared to be around my age, came into the room. I faintly recognized him. He had pink hair and he was about 5'9. I assumed this was my boyfriend. I knew he wasn't my brother because I remembered my brothers.

"Hey, (Y/N). How are you feeling?" The boy asked.

"I-I'm okay. I don't remember much of anything. Unfortunately, I don't even remember your name. You're my boyfriend though, right?" I asked. The boy's face turned bright red. I was confused.

"Uhm. No, I'm not. I-I have to go." The boy said quickly. I felt embarrassed. For all I knew, this boy could've been my best friend and I had ruined our friendship.

"Wait. What is your name?" I asked him. Maybe if he had told me his name, I would remember him.

"I'm Josh, (Y/N). Your boyfriend's best friend." He told me. He then left.

I still sat there, in my hospital bed, unknowing of who Josh was or even who my boyfriend was.

Josh's POV

It was worse then we had expected. She had amnesia. And she thought I was her boyfriend.

I had to get out of there. The thing was, I was in love with her and I didn't know if she thought I was her boyfriend because she was attracted to me or she had just assumed I was her boyfriend because I was the first boy around her age whom she had seen. She had always made assumptions. Either way, I knew I needed to find Tyler immediately. I figured maybe once (Y/N) saw him then her memories would come back. And we'd be back to normal. Her and Tyler dating while I was secretly in love with her.

The reason I visited her before Tyler was because, when the doctor had announced that she was awake, Tyler was asleep and I couldn't dare to wake him. He had spent many sleepless nights worrying about whether or not (Y/N) would wake up.

I was beginning to wish I had woken him up. Then I wouldn't be wondering whether or not his girlfriend felt the way I did.

I was being ridiculous. She loved Tyler. I was just being a fool.

When I made it to the waiting room, Tyler was already awake. He probably had no idea that (Y/N) was awake.

"Hey, man. Where were you?" He asked. So he didn't know.

"(Y/N) is awake. She has a bit of amnesia, though. She might not know who you are." I informed him. His eyes went wide.

"What? Why didn't you wake me up?" Tyler asked. He didn't wait for a reply and quickly headed towards her room.

I prayed silently that she would remember him. And everything.

Your POV

Nine minutes after Josh had left, another boy came in. I didn't assume who he was even though I also faintly remembered him. I didn't need to embarrass myself again.

"Hey, (Y/N)." The boy said. This boy had brown hair. He was also around 5'9. Not only were his features faintly familiar, but so was his voice. I had an odd feeling that he was a singer.

"Who are you?" I had asked him. I expected him to get upset because of my amnesia but, he just sighed.

"My name's Tyler. I am your boyfriend. Don't you remember?" He asked. I shook my head, sadly.

Tyler sat next to me and took my hand. For absolutely no reason, I wanted to kiss him. He was my boyfriend, so didn't I have a right to?

I leaned in to kiss him. He kissed back and it sent a shock through my body. I felt every memory we had together, rush through my head. The time we met. Our first date. Our first kiss.

Meeting Josh.

I started to remember Josh. Oh, how stupid I was. I shouldn't have assumed he was my boyfriend. He was Tyler's best friend.

Tyler pulled away. I smiled. I remembered everything. It felt like magic. I thought this type of stuff only happened in books and movies.

"Tyler Robert Joseph." I said. Tyler smiled back at me. He kissed my forehead.

"Can you send Josh in for a moment? I have to talk to him for a second." I asked. Tyler nodded and exited the room.

I had to apologise to Josh for assuming he was my boyfriend. He was probably extremely weirded out.

Josh's POV

After about ten minutes, Tyler came back out with a huge smile on his face.

"Josh, she remembers. She didn't at first but, she kissed me and everything is back in her head now. Like magic, almost." Tyler explained.

"Wow, that's great!" I replied. I wondered if (Y/N) said anything about me.

"Actually, she wants to talk to you quickly." Tyler told me, reading my mind. I nodded and headed towards (Y/N)'s room.

Your POV

Josh came into the room and smiled at me. I smiled back, some of my fear washing away. Maybe he wasn't weirded out because I accidentally assumed he was my boyfriend.

"Hey. I just wanted to apologise. I'm sorry I asked you if you were my boyfriend. I sincerely could not remember you noir Tyler. And you know how I am with making assumptions." I explained.

"Oh, yeah it's fine. I figured that was the case. So you remember everything now?" He asked. I nodded.

"That's great! I'm glad you came around. You're an amazing friend, (Y/N)." Josh told me. I felt a smile creep up on my face.

"You too, Jish." I replied. I yawned.

"Guess that's my que to leave. It's about nine pm anyways. Sleep well, (Y/N)." He said.

"Goodnight, Josh. Also, can you send Tyler in? I want to say goodnight to him as well." I asked. Josh nodded.

I was extremely lucky to have both of them.

Josh's POV

I was happy she had her memories back. Deep down, even though I loved her, I was also glad her assuming I was her boyfriend was only a misunderstanding. I didn't want Tyler to be hurt.

Most people would've gotten angry. Or upset. But not me. I loved both of them enough to be happy for them.

When I made it back to the waiting room, Tyler was twiddling his thumbs. It was something he did when he was bored or nervous.

"All good?" He asked me.

"Yeah. She's tired so she wants you to say goodnight to her." I informed him.

"Okey dokey. I'll be right back." He said. I sat down in a waiting room chair and sighed.

What an evening.

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