pride and joy (josh)

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pairing: josh dun x reader
word count: 785
tw: cancer, angst, sad

josh dun always felt like he was the luckiest man in the world.

growing up was not easy. josh was a quiet boy, who usually minded his own business. however, he let others take advantage of him because he was way too kind for his own good.

it was often that people walked all over him. nobody understood that through josh's kindness, he was still a human being. he had feelings.

nobody understood. but she did.

a while after high school, josh went to a concert for a local band. he knew the drummer and ended up liking their music very much. the drummer eventually left the band, and josh was offered a chance to replace him.

josh took the offer and quickly became best friends with the singer. the band took off and got more popular with each show.

it was at one of their hometown shows in 2014 that josh met (y/n).

(y/n) was beautiful in josh's eyes. she understood him. she never once took advantage of his kindness, and always listened to what he had to say.

when josh wanted to change his appearance to make him look tougher, (y/n) was all for it. she helped him dye his hair and went with him, to start his sleeve tattoo. she supported him and loved him endlessly. that's all he ever wanted.

a few years after the two started dating, josh decided he wanted to spend the rest of his life with (y/n). he had never loved one like he loved her. she was his soulmate and he was hers.

the two of them married each other in 2018. it was a quiet wedding ceremony. they were surrounded by the people who loved them most. however, it was each other who they loved most. they'd do anything for each other.

it was 2019 when (y/n) got pregnant with their first born baby. the two were so excited. the pregnancy went well, and their son was born at the beginning of 2020. william was a very happy baby boy, with very happy parents.

as the years passed, william grew to be a very shy and quiet boy, with a heart of gold. much like his father. he looked just like his father as well. (y/n) and josh were very happy to see their son grow to be so humble, and they loved him so much.

2023 arrived, and (y/n) and josh were trying for another baby. except, they were not granted this wish and eventually had to stop trying when something horrible happened.

(y/n) began to grow sick. very sick.

in 2024, she was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer. it wasn't fair. she had a husband and a beautiful son that loved her so much.

josh tried to look on the happy side. surely this would all pass. she was his pride and joy. God wouldn't take her from him, would he?

as the months passed, (y/n) grew sicker and sicker. william didn't understand, but josh made sure will spent as much time as he could with his momma, and when he wasn't spending time with her, josh was.

(y/n) was never lonely in the hospital. josh made sure of that. he even made sure tour was cancelled so he could be with her. she understood him when he needed to be understood. so he returned the favor.

things never looked up for the strong couple. chemotherapy helped them for two years, but there was no cure for lung cancer.

josh sat by (y/n)'s side as she took her last breath. her hand was in his and he looked at her with mostly sadness but also pure admiration.

their time together on earth was cut short. but with the time they were together, they taught each other things they never before knew. they even got married and had a lovely son to prove it.

josh planned he would tell william about how wonderful and pure his mother was. he was only six when he lost her, so he wouldn't remember her too well.

josh lived the rest of his life fully. although not personally, (y/n) was by his side until his dying days.

as josh took his own last breaths, with his son by his side, along with his three grandchildren, he was filled with pure bliss. there were rough times and tragedy that he dealt with, but he wouldn't have traded it for anything else.

josh had never stopped believing he was the luckiest man in the world.

a/n: this one was so sad, i'm sorry.

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