rushing back (tyler)

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Pairing: Tyler Joseph X Reader
Word Count: 1359
TW: angst(ish), anxiety

"Come on, the show's about to start!" June cried, pulling me towards the arena.

I wasn't too excited for the concert. Up to that night, I had never even heard of "Twenty One Pilots". But, I agreed to go to the concert because it was June's birthday. And apparently, Twenty One Pilots was her favorite band.

She promised I would like them. She said they fit in with the other music I listened to.

June told me Twenty One Pilots was basically the love child of Eminem and Panic! At The Disco. I told her that was an odd combination.

"Okay, okay I'm coming!" I said, following her. I was trying to finish the bottle of water in my hand. I had trouble keeping myself hydrated because I constantly forgot to drink water. I just loved Coca-Cola, it wasn't my fault.

June and I went to take our places in the arena. June had gotten us some pretty good seats. I was impressed by the scenery.

The band was not on stage yet. We still had a few minutes. I didn't see why June panicked.

The concert finally started. I could barely see what was going on because everything was extremely chaotic.

The singer...he looked like someone I used to know. I knew I was being crazy, because all I saw was brown eyes and brown hair. Extremely common among men and women.

Another way I knew, was when Tyler left me..he said he wasn't going to come back to Ohio. Ever.

"I need to leave Ohio. I have to get a fresh start. You can't come with me, though. I love you but I really need this. I'm sorry." He had said the night he left.

Those words emotionally tore me into pieces. They played in my head repeatedly for such a long time, I had lost track. I loved him so much. I thought he loved me the way I loved him too..but clearly by leaving, that showed he did not.

I pushed my thoughts away as I continued watching the concert.

The concert was very good. But, I was very bothered.

The singer looked so much like Tyler.

Puh-lease. You're crazy. That's not him. So chill. I thought to myself.

Eventually, curiousity got the best of me.

"Who's the singer?" I asked loudly to June.

"Oh, that's Tyler Joseph. Cute, isn't he?" She replied. My throat started to close up and I felt like I couldn't breathe.

"Yeah..sure." I agreed, trying to hide what was going on inside my head.

I felt everything that I had felt when Tyler left, come rushing back to me all at one.

The anger. Sadness. Heartbreak. And worst of all, I could never forget..

The betrayal.

I knew that as soon as the concert was over, June and I needed to leave immediately. I couldn't risk Tyler seeing me. I couldn't let that happen.

The last song they played that night...was truly heartbreaking.

I couldn't explain it..I was crying to it just like everyone else. And it was my first time hearing it as well.

It was called Trees.

I looked at June. Her mascara and eyeliner was smeared all down her face.

The song ended and I wiped my face. I didn't wear any makeup because it made my skin breakout. It was a good call, because of how much I cried.

"So you cried too, eh?" June asked. I nodded and chuckled slightly.

"Come on, we gotta make it to signing. If we don't go now we'll be waiting forever." She said. My heart started to race.

"W-What? Why?" I asked, stupidly. Of course she would want to meet them, it was her birthday.

"Well..they kinda saved me. Remember when I told you about how I was depressed around a year ago? They honestly helped me get through." She explained. I pulled her into a hug.

"Okay. Let's go." I agreed, without realizing. Great.

Maybe he won't remember you. It's been nearly 13 years since he left. Don't worry. I thought to myself.

Jeez, (Y/N). Breathe.

I couldn't calm down. I was having an anxiety attack. The amount of people in the arena trying to exit didn't help either.

"Are you alright?" June asked, noticing the alarm shown on my face. I nodded. I didn't want to ruin my best friend's birthday.

I began to calm down a little once we left the arena.

June led the way to the signing and I just followed in silence. I was still panicking about seeing Tyler.

Mini Time Skip

It was almost June's turn to get her cd signed. My stomach hurt due to nervousness.

The person in front of us finished. The girl moved and it was just June and I in front of Tyler.

Tyler didn't just say hello and sign the cd. We made direct eye contact. I thought I was going to melt. It was so intense.

I expected him to just look away and sign June's cd. But that was not the case.

"(Y-Y/N) that you?" Tyler asked. Thankfully, due to my anxiety attack slowing us down a bit, June and I were the last people in line. I didn't want to hold anyone up.

"Hello, Tyler." I said, with a small voice. I didn't know what else to say.

"What are you-what are you doing here?" He asked. I raised an eyebrow. Wasn't it obvious I was here for a concert?

"You two know each other?" Tyler's bandmate asked. Tyler nodded.

"I was actually just about to ask that same thing. I'm June." June said, introducing herself to Tyler's bandmate. I still did not know his name.

"Josh." The bandmate said, holding his hand out for June to shake it. Tyler and I were still staring at each other, speechless.

"I didn't know you were making's June's birthday and she asked me to come with." I told him.

"I'm so sorry-"

"No. Don't apologise. No offense, but I honestly don't want to hear it." I interrupted. I normally wasn't so cold towards people but, Tyler and I were best friends our whole lives. We even dated all through high school. Then boom just like that he was gone. No form of communication. I had every right to be cold.

"Josh and I are going to be in Ohio for a few months...would you be willing to get coffee and catch up? I know I don't deserve that chance. But I really missed you. I was just too much of a coward to reach out. I was afraid that you'd say you hated me." Tyler asked me.

I knew I should have said no. I should have left him with no forms of communication, much like he did to me when we were 18. But it was Tyler. I wasn't going to permanently throw out our friendship over a mistake he made when we were younger.

"Sure..would you like my number so we can set up a date and time?" I replied. Tyler smiled.

"Definitely." He agreed. I wrote my number on a sticky note and gave it to him. Whether or not he called was all him. I decided I wouldn't get my hopes up.

"Ready to go, June? It's already late." I asked my best friend.

"Just a moment, I'm getting Josh's number." June told me. I smiled. June hadn't really dated since her ex-girlfriend cheated on her. It absolutely tore her to pieces. (June is Pansexual :)

June gave Josh her number and we said goodbye to the band. We headed towards the car and June bombarded me with questions about Tyler and myself. Truth be told, I never really told her about him. I tried not to think about him because the months following his disappearance tore me apart.

A/N: I DID NOT KNOW HOW TO END THIS, HELP. But seriously though, sometimes it's really hard to end these things. I hope y'all liked this one, though. Much love!

twenty one pilots imaginesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt