controlled (tyler)

112 4 1

pairing: tyler joseph x reader
word count: 2692
tw: dema, mind control, mentions of depression and suicide.

dear (y/n),

i am trying once more to escape this horrid place. i know what you're thinking. but third times a charm, right? as soon as i get to the banditos, i will write to you and we'll get you here too. we'll be happy then. we can start a life together.

the bishops are having a council meeting tonight. that's why it's the best time to go. i know it's still a risk, but we have to get out. we have to escape.

i love you more than life. i hope to see you soon.


i wiped a tear away as i stuffed away the letter tyler put on my doorstep three nights previous. he didn't escape. everyone was talking about it. but everyone also knew what happened after three failed attempts.

first the isolation.

then the brainwash. tons of brainwash.

and then...

you're one of them.

i shuddered at the thought of tyler being one of the bishops. i knew i needed to save him. no matter what it took.

i pushed all of my belongings, not that i had much to begin with, under my bed. i had to get to tyler. he didn't have much time.

i stepped outside of my small, burnt, house. it wasn't much but it was okay. most houses in dema had been burned due to a house fire at least once. at least mine wasn't too bad.

everyone was in their tiny burnt houses. nobody really left their houses. when the depression set in, and it did a lot given our location, it made you want to stay home. motivation was far out the window.

i didn't have much with me. from the stories tyler told me, all you needed was yellow tape. the bishops couldn't see yellow. so i took his advice and covered myself in yellow tape before making my way to city hall.

to get to city hall you had to pass the neon gravestones. that was always a very emotional place for me. i lost both of my parents to suicide. they couldn't take the city's horrible conditions. so they did it together. i buried them myself when i was only 15.

i decided to stop by their graves before attempting to save tyler. they shared a gravestone, so i didn't have to make two stops.

"hello mom and d-dad. uhm..tyler was taken by the bishops. he tried escaping three times so they're going to make him one if them..but i'm gonna try to stop them. they can't see yellow and i'm wearing yellow tape. i know this could end badly but tyler needs me." i said to the grave. i felt as though i was going to cry, but i held myself together the best i could.

"i love you guys. wish me safety." i said finally. i stood up and walked out of the graveyard. my stomach felt all twisted up.

i made my way to city hall and took a deep breath before walking in. i was scared but i tried not to show it..even though they weren't supposed to be able to see me.

i walked towards the first hallway i found. i walked around, searching for a room that tyler could be in. but i knew they wouldn't be that easy.

for some reason, none of the bishop were walking around. it was off. they were usually everywhere, making sure there were no escapees.

after walking around for what felt like hours i found two big doors. there was a window so i looked through that before just walking in. i was glad i did because there was some sort of meeting.

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