save; part two (josh)

55 4 0

pairing: josh dun x reader
word count: 920
tw: mentions of diabetes, seizures, some angst, language

your pov

where am i?

i looked around. i was in a white room in a bed. i was hooked to a monitor and there was a cup of water next to me.

hospital. oh how fun.

i realized i must have seized at the party. i wondered how ryan handled it. or if it was even him. i hit to red button calling for a nurse.

a few moments later, a nurse with curly brown hair and blue eyes came in.

"well, i'll be. you're finally awake. how do you feel?" the nurse asked me.

"i feel okay. am i okay?" i replied. she nodded as she sat by me. she wrapped the thing around my arm to take my blood pressure.

"yes, you just had a seizure. thankfully someone gave you your glucagon or we wouldn't have been able to save you."

"the one who gave it to me must've been my boyfriend, ryan. is he here?"

"is ryan the boy with pink hair and gauges?"

i mentally face palmed. of course it was josh. he was the only one who knew how to give me my glucagon. i wondered how ryan reacted.

"oh, that's my best friend josh." i told her. she raised an eyebrow.

"really? the way he was it's none of my business. your blood pressure is fine." the nurse replied.

"what were you going to say?" i asked.

"the way josh was worrying about you, i thought you two were together. he was stressing like crazy and i'm pretty sure the boy picked at all ten of his finger nails until they bled."

i couldn't help but smile. i would've been the same way were josh to be in my place. but we were just friends, and that's probably why he was worried.

"could you send him in?" i asked the nurse. she smiled and nodded.

"of course. he'll be happy to see you, i'm sure." she told me, exiting the room.

i messed with my hair and tried to make myself semi-presentable. not that it really mattered. in high school i had a nasty break up with this boy connor, and josh saw me through all stages of grief. so this would be normal for him.

josh entered the room, running at me when he made eye contact with me. he hugged me tightly and i hugged back as well.

"i'm so happy you're okay. you just seized and jenna was panicking and ryan wasn't doing anything and i didn't know if i'd give you your shot in time and- i'm just so relieved." josh rambled. he pulled away and sat by my bed.

"yeah, i'm okay. i'm sorry i seized." i replied. josh scrunched his eyebrows.

"no, don't you dare apologize. you know you can't help it." josh said. he was right but i still felt bad.

"so where's ryan?" i asked.

"don't get mad at me, okay?"

"what happened?"

"as i was injecting your glucagon, he got all mad because of how close we were. i told him i was saving your life and he accused you of doing it for attention and told me i just wanted an excuse to push up your pantleg. i was fed up by how carless he was treating your diabetes so i knocked him out. i'm sorry, but i love you and you deserve better."

a heartache started as i realized how things went down. guess it turned out, ryan really didn't care as much as i thought. but i stopped thinking about ryan as soon as i realized what josh said.

"you love me?" i asked. "as friends or-?"

"no. i know this could jeopardize everything but, i'm in love with you."

his words hit and everything came over me at once. i was no longer numb to my feelings for josh. they made themselves prominent and clear. and i realized i wasn't actually in love with ryan. only josh.

"josh, i-i'm in love with you t-"

ryan came bursting into the room. he looked mad. he ran up to me.

"are you fucking serious? you just had to fake a seizure to make it look like you actually had diabetes didn't you? you're pathetic and this hospital bill isn't going to be pretty. this is all you're fault, i'm leaving you. i never-"

"excuse me, young man!" ryan stopped screaming at me and turned around. the nurse from earlier was there.

"you have no right to come in here yelling at this patient. for the record, she does have diabetes and she was seizing. if you were a good boyfriend, you'd know that. now i'm going to advise you to leave the hospital premises." the nurse snapped. i gaped. a nurse had never stuck up for me like that.


"go, ross." josh interrupted. ryan looked at me, trying his best to give an apologetic look. but i good finally see right through him.

"we're done, ryan. loose my number and don't ever speak to me again. you're toxic and i don't deserve that." i told him. ryan took a sharp breath and stormed out. the nurse gave a thumbs up and disappeared.

"i'm so sorry." josh apologized.

"don't be. i just realized it's not him that i love anyways." i replied.

"it's not?"

"no. it's you." i admitted. "josh dun, i've been head over heels for you since the fifth grade."

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