jim (josh)

160 4 2

Pairing: Josh Dun X Reader
Word Count: 901
TW: none

"Are you ready for therapy, love?" I asked my boyfriend, Josh. He didn't want to have to attend therapy and denied he needed it for months but, his anxiety attacks and panic attacks kept getting worse and he eventually agreed to start going. We were getting ready for his second session.

"Yeah..I hope it starts helping soon." Josh answered. I held my hand out for him to take it.

He took my hand and a small smile appeared on his face.

"It will. Just give it time." I told him. I grabbed my car keys and we headed towards my car.

Usually, Josh would drive. But we didn't want him to be driving when he started having a panic attack. Although, he never had one while driving, we didn't want to chance it.

When I turned my car on, Josh immediately turned the radio on He often said music made him feel happy. I felt the same way.

After a few minutes, a song he made with his best friend Tyler began to play. They had called it Heathens. It was even on the soundtrack to a movie called Suicide Squad.

"If we're not careful, we might get pulled over." I joked. Someone had leaked their song a week earlier than it was supposed to be. Twitter was blowing up with #thecliqueisgoingtojailparty.

"Haha, very funny." Josh replied. Even though he knew I was joking, he still cranked the radio down a few notches.

We eventually made it to his therapy place. (i have never taken therapy so i don't really know how it works)

"Do you want me to come in with you again?" I had asked Josh. He nodded.

"Please. I'll feel more calm if you're there." He replied. I smiled.

We got out of the car and headed towards the front door. Josh opened it and let me go first.

"Ladies first." He said. I kissed his cheek and went ahead of him.

"Why thank you, Mr. Dun." I thanked him.

We went up to the receptionists desk. There was a woman with blonde hair and blue eyes typing something.

"Hello, I'm here for my ten o'clock appointment." Josh said kindly. The woman looked up and smiled.

"What's your name?" She had asked.

"Joshua Dun." Josh replied. The woman typed something into her computer.

"Okay..Dr. Julie should be able to see you in a few moments. In the meantime, you can wait in the waiting room." She told him.

"Thank you." Josh thanked her and we headed towards the waiting room.

Josh and I sat down in some chairs snd and he began to zone out. I took his hand again.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah..I'm alright. I was just thinking." He replied. I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Just think. In a few weeks, you might be nominated for a Grammy." I reminded him. He smiled.

Dr. Julie entered the room. She was tall and had short brown hair.

"Josh?" She called. Josh and I stood up and followed her.

"How are you today, Josh?" Dr. Julie asked.

"I've had better days. I've also had worse too." He admitted.

"Okay..I actually have something different for us to do today." She told him.

When we walked into her office, there was a golden puppy sitting by her desk.

"Who's this?" Josh asked.

"He doesn't have a name yet. He's a trained ESA." The doctor admitted. Josh pet the puppy, happily.

"He is very cute." Josh said. The puppy was surprisingly calm.

"The reason we have this puppy is because I had an idea. If it's alright with you, I was thinking you could take him home with you. It's completely your choice, it's just a proven fact that ESA's help." Dr. Julie explained. Josh stood up.

"I would love to it's just.." Josh looked at me. "How do you feel about it, (Y/N)?"

I bent down and pet the puppy. It was instant love.

"I wouldn't mind bringing home this adorable puppy." I told him, playing with the golden retriever.

Josh bent down and pet the played with the puppy.

"Jim." He said softly.

"What was that?" I had asked him. He looked at me, smiling.

"I think we should call him Jim." Josh told me.

I looked at the puppy. Somehow, the name Jim just seemed to suit him. Jim. Jim Dun. Perfect.

"Jim Dun." I said.

Josh finished his session all while petting Jim. I noticed a few things about Josh.

He definitely seemed more calm while petting Jim. He seemed happier. We had often talked about getting a dog together. I didn't realize how much getting one would help him.

After about an hour, Dr. Julie closed her notebook.

"Well, that concludes today's session. I'll give you some of Jim's things." She told us. She handed Josh a leash, a dog bowl, and some dog food.

"Okay. Thanks, Dr. Julie." Josh thanked her.

"See you next week! Bye guys!" She said as we left.

Once we got into our car, Josh took his phone out.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"I gotta take a picture with Jim to send to Tyler." Josh said, laughing. I laughed with him.

A/N: Sorry if these have crappy closings, sometimes I don't know how to end them, haha

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A/N: Sorry if these have crappy closings, sometimes I don't know how to end them, haha. Much love!

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