I Don't Want a Family Unless If You're In It

381 10 22

Warnings: none.

Words 756


Soooo, I know you wanted a happy 100th final buttttt— ha, butt.

Read the authors note at the very bottom please. You don't have to read all of it just skim it lmao.


Tyler shut the car door with a satisfying clunk, and he lunged his piano keyboard case over his shoulder. He had just gotten back from a small concert he and Josh did at the bar.

He was glad he was home because him and his wife, Y/n, had a special date planned. They were trying for a baby, and that basically meant every night was 'give me some bacon.'

He wasn't going to lie, he'll miss this part of the pregnancy. The trying part, that is.

He unlocked the door, and gently placed his keyboard on the couch. "Y/n, I'm back."  He shouted loud enough for the upstairs.

He slipped his jacket off and placed it on the hanger. The house wasn't to big, but it wasn't cramped either. They didn't have much furniture, which made it a bit louder than it really needed to be. He heard a sniffle come from upstairs. "You okay, sweetheart?" He called up, as he unzipped his piano case to reveal his keyboard. If she was really upset she could come down and talk to him, he didn't find the need to run to her rescue just yet.

"Ty, will you come up here?" Y/n croaked from the top of the stairs. He immediately stopped what he was doing and followed the sounds of her feet stomping on the second floor wood, and into their bedroom.

"Is everything alright? I'm sorry that I'm a little late, I wanted to get something to eat before-"

"I'm breaking up with you." Y/N's eyes were pouring down tears like rain, and her hands were intertwined together nervously.

"What do you mean?" He let out a pathetic laugh. It could be a joke, right? "You can't break up with me. we're married."

"Okay, fine. I'm divorcing you."

Tyler slouched down once he realized no joke was intended. A spear broke through Tyler's heart, attacking his rib cage like a thousand drumsticks. He tried to form words that didn't make him seem helpless, but there was no way to change how he felt. "What did I do?" He spoke just above a whisper, like if he talked any louder the floor would break and cause him to plummet to his death.

Y/n shook her head, wiping her eyes with the sheets. "Nothing! It's something I did. Or something I can't do- I don't know."

"Y-you're confusing me." Tyler scurried over beside her, determined to get the reasoning behind this. She couldn't just want a divorce right? There had to be some sort of logical reasoning to this. Just a few hours ago they were in love. But two hours were 120 minutes long. Could you really throw away the feeling of love in 120 minutes?

"Y- you know how we've been seeing a doctor to help us get pregnant?" She croaked. Her words were slow to help them stay steady. Tyler nodded, his eyebrows furrowed. He tried his best to listen to her, but it was hard given by the fact her voice croaking, 'I'm divorcing you' was hovering in the back of his mind. "W-well I- I took that test, and they called me with the results." She gulped down a shaky breath, and she wiped her eyes. "M'Infertile." She tried to smile to somewhat lighten the terrible news, but it didn't seem to work and turned into a shaky inhale and exhale. "You don't want me, Ty." She added. She seemed as though she was trying to persuade Tyler. To maybe make him understand her.

Tyler's eyes softened, and his eyebrows unfurrowed. He looked down at the sheets and his eyebrows knitted together again. "Why would you think I wouldn't want you because of this?"

"Because you want a family, Ty. And I can't give you what you want and what you need." She was talking quickly, as if she was being timed.

"Hey," he started, getting on his knees so they are a better eye level, and grasping her hand in his. "You give me everything I need. I don't need a child."

Y/n sniffled, covering her face with her hands. "B-but you want a family." She repeated.

Tyler turned her face to look at his. "I don't want a family unless if you're in it. I want you, that's it, okay?"

Y/n stared at him for a moment, before nodding. Tyler quickly stood up, engulfing her in a hug. Y/n buried her head into his chest. She let out a sob, and he wrapped his arms around her shaking frame. "Besides," Tyler began, trying to lighten the mood. "I've always wanted to adopt."

Y/n relaxed into his chest, letting out a small shaky giggle. Maybe it wasn't going to be that bad. And she definitely wasn't going to divorce the guy. She loved him with all of her heart.


So I'm back just to finish this. I'm writing a different book right now. So, until then you probably won't see me. I'm just so happy I could finish this book finally!

Thank you all so much for reading this. It has made me so happy to read your comments and enjoy the imagination of creating the story. It really means a lot to me. Sadly, I won't be making another imagines book. My next book is the last book I'll probably ever write. And that's not because I'm losing interest, it's because it's taking over my life. I can't do anything without trying to think up a story. I have found it best to try and distance myself from it. That doesn't mean I'll be gone forever, because I'll most likely come back sometime when I'm feeling extra creative and make an imagine or something, but until then I won't be on. So, with that said, if you love this book and want to read more I suggest you follow me because there's a good chance I'll probably come on here one day and surprise you all with an imagine or two (or 100).

(It'll be in a separate book because I'd like this book to stay at 100.)

Thank you. I løve you. |-/ ||-//

Tyler Joseph ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now