Best friends to lovers

150 5 17

Warnings: last shift (the movie) spoilers. (Just in case you care about that :D

Hey I'm back with this short stories book! I want to try and make it to 200 short stories now, so expect some short stories every once and a while.


Do you ever get really excited for something, but don't want to show it because you think that will ruin it?

That's me right now, trying to plan a movie night with my guy friend Tyler and his brother Zack. My little brother, Nathan, is really great friends with Zack so we do a lot of stuff together. We have our own little group. Nathan, Zack, and then Tyler and I mostly do our own thing, but at least we're still there to be in the group.

My brother is only two years younger than me, he's fifteen. Zack is a year older than my brother, and Tyler is older than me, but not by much.

I know, sounds like a math problem, but it isn't that complicated.

Tyler and I, on the other hand, are complicated. We like each other, that I know for sure, but he hasn't asked me out yet. I'm okay with that, I understand he has some stuff to deal with now that he just turned eighteen, but I'm getting to the point where I can't wait for the moment. It's another one of those exciting things I'm trying to suppress.

So back to being excited about movie night... we have done it before, and we watched IT chapter one and two. Zack wants to watch some more horror movies tonight, that is, if it works out.

I've been texting Ty about it, asking him certain questions like 'when do you want to come over', 'what time are you planning on going home?'

I don't want Tyler to think I'm so excited that I'd be disappointed if it doesn't work out... even though I am. I don't like when people know they are letting me down, it makes me feel even worse.

Nathan comes over to me and asks about it, which I simply say, "we are planning to, Tyler has a bunch of college work he has to get done beforehand though."

Nathan picks up an orange from the counter I'm sitting at, my hand in my phone as a message from Tyler comes through. "Okay," Nathan simply says like he doesn't care, which is fine. He doesn't have to care.

I probably shouldn't care so much if I see Tyler, I just haven't seen him in a week due to our busy schedules now that school has started again. Tyler doesn't go to my school anymore, he is fully doing college classes online.

My only fear is that I'm the only one who feels this way... what if he doesn't miss me like I miss him? I'm hoping I'm wrong. Every time I'm with him, or texting him even, there's no doubt in my mind that he feels the way I do. Just when I don't see him for a while is when I get those thoughts. I wonder if he is the same way...

I open up Tyler's message, and with a smile I read it aloud to Nathan. "Looks like we'll be able to come over. I just finished this math quiz. I'm going to do a little more of the homework and then I'll get ready to head over there. Let's say around 6:30."

"Okay," Nathan says again, finishing off his orange and skipping into the living room to turn on his Xbox. It is 5:00 right now, which means an hour and thirty minutes until their arrival.

I still try to suppress my excitement, but I let a little bit loose, and sigh with relief. I should probably do some homework until then as well.

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