Tag you're it

553 19 4

Warnings: a bit of sexual behavior. (Not smut) might die of adorableness. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Words 482

Description: Y/N and Tyler are very bored. All of the sudden you get this awesome idea. TAG YOU'RE IT!


"I'm so bored. I don't know what there is to do." Tyler said, throwing his hands up into the air.

"We could..." you sighed. "Mmm..."

"Yeah, I know. There's nothing-"

"TAG YOU'RE IT!" You yelled out of no where, tagging him and running.

He tried to quickly tag you but you were to fast and ran across the house. He chased you, close behind you as you ran around the Island in the kitchen.

"Oh, you're getting it now." He teased, as you stopped at one end of the island and him on the other.

He spread his feet out and his hands as if he was in a defense position for basketball. You started giggling uncontrollably.

"There's no escaping. I'm a professional basketball player."

"Were. You were a professional basketball player." I pointed out, and his smile grew bigger.

"We'll see about that." He tried to trick me and jolted left but ran right, but of course you were faster and ran out of the back door.

He made a groaning noise, but still chased you. He got slower and you ran behind a tree, still laughing.

"I- I can't breath." He said grasping his chest, and falling on his knees.

"Tyler?" You asked concerned, as you inched yourself from the tree to him.

"I-" he began to hyperventilate so you ran over to him. Squeezing his shoulders and rubbing his back.

Soon his heavy breathes became chuckles.

"What? What's so funny?" You asked, as he got up.

"You're it." He laughed and he began to run.

"Tyler! You Asshole!" You started running to catch up to him and he ran in the house.

He ran into the bedroom and shut the door. You made it the door and pound your hand on it softly.

"I actually thought something was wrong. How could you do that to me?" You started ranting about how you almost had a heart attack until he opened the door and smashed his lips to yours.

He leaned down to be level with your lips and picked you up.

He brought you to the bed and laid you down, not breaking the kiss.

You pull away. "You're an asshole. I thought you were going to die." Your face was serious.

"This again?" He asked, his face in an annoyance look. "It's called being smart. I knew you would want to help me so I acted as if I was dying. Is that really that bad?"

"Yes!" You yelled.

"Well at least you care about me." He presses his hand to his chest, and had a pouty lip and a smile. He chuckled slightly. "Now back to what we were doing..." He leans down over you, getting closer.

"I love you." He said, and pressed his lips to yours. He didn't even give you opportunity to say it back.


Small one but I felt like it was cute.

Tyler Joseph ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now