Is it jealousy or is it common sense? Pt. 3

227 7 18

Warning: profanity, vomit, angst.

Words 2390


"You either get your head out of your ass and see what's around you or you get the fuck out of my home."

Y/n's whole body ached as she threw up, her stomach pushing aggressively upward, and her whole throat burning with the acid. She gagged as she let out as much of her anxiety as she could.

She sighed, and she pulled her own hair away from her face. She sat cross legged on the bathroom floor of Taki's. Tyler was probably getting worried about her, so she had to go back out there.

She took a deep breath, before flushing the toilet and making her way out of the stall. One lady stared at her with disgusted eyes, and another looked at her with concern.

"Are you alright ma'am?" She asked, and y/n nodded, taking a napkin and wiping her lips.

"It wasn't the food, I promise." Y/n said as she rinsed her face with water to add some color to her ghostly face.

The woman only nodded, and proceeded to a stall.

Y/n took a deep breath, looking in the mirror to make sure it wasn't noticeable that she threw up. She looked tired.
She looked hella tired.

She wasn't surprised, this whole secret Jenna thing was exhausting. She wanted to tell Tyler what she said but she knew he wouldn't believe her. He never believes her anymore. It was always Jenna.

She slowly made her way back to the table, and right as she was about to slide in beside Tyler, he was already about to get up and search for her.

He left room, and she slid in beside him.


Once they got home, Tyler was set on Y/n going to bed and getting some rest. He was worried about her, and didn't want her to feel bad.

As y/n laid in the bed trying to sleep, she could hear the jolly laughs coming from downstairs. It made her want to curl into herself and die.

Why can't Tyler just see it? Can't he see what Y/n saw? She was sure Josh saw it too. So, why couldn't Tyler?

A knock tapped on the wooden door separating the bedroom from the hallway. Y/n groaned, but told them it was ok to enter.

"Hi," Josh spoke, as he sat down on the bed.

"Hi... what are you doing?" Y/n asked confused. Wasn't he supposed to be downstairs having fun with Tyler and Jenna?

"Jenna is being her normal annoying self so a came up here to see if you wanna come down and lighten the party up a bit?" He smiled, and y/n snorted out a laughter.

"Yeah, I'm going to ruin it probably. I can't stand looking at Tyler flirt with-" she stopped her words as her face fell. He might've not intended I'm flirting with her but he was. Her boyfriend was flirting with their roommate.

"Hey, it's okay. I know he loves you, he's just oblivious sometimes." Josh tried, shrugging his shoulders.

"Yeah, well, he's been oblivious to a lot of things lately." Y/n rolled her eyes. "He won't listen to how I feel about it."

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