I've Never Seen You Eat.

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Warning: eating problems. Idk if I should call it a eating disorder because I don't want to use the term wrong. I'm not a genius at eating disorders whatsoever.

Also, idk what happened to changing my user. Kinda forgot.

Ooo and do you want me to do a face reveal soon?

Words 674


I hate eating. I hate it. I don't like eating in front of people. Kill me now.

As the plate of food was set on the table, y/n tried to hold back a gag. Of course, she doesn't want her date to know she hates eating in front of people. They'd just think she was crazy and not want to go on another date.

She stared at the food, while her date, Tyler, dug in. Of course he dug in politely, to not scare y/n.

Tyler glanced up, looking at y/n and then at her food, recognizing that every single piece of food was untouched.

"Everything okay?" He asked, and y/n nodded.

"Yeah, I just don't feel that hungry, I'll just ask for a box."

"Are you sure? You seemed pretty hungry when you were ordering."

And that was the thing. She was hungry when she was ordering. She hadn't eaten all day to maybe save herself from feeling this way in front of him. But of course when the food comes, and the smell wafts into her nose, she loses her appetite.

"Yeah, I'm just... I'm not really that hungry." She repeated, shrugging her shoulders, and scratching her forearm in a nervous manor.

Tyler just nodded, his eyebrows furrowing skeptically.


3 months.

They've been together for 3 months.

They were on a walk around the park. Talking, kicking rocks, laughing. They loved each other's company.

"Hey, lets get some ice cream over there." Y/n suggested, pointing to the ice cream parlor.

Tyler looked at her as if she had two heads but quickly turned his face to the parlor. "Okay."

Tyler got chocolate and y/n got vanilla. They began to walk again, this time with ice creams.

As y/n licked her ice cream she felt Tyler glance at her. And then again, and again, and again.

"Alright, what is it?" Y/n finally asked, stopping in her tracks and facing Tyler.

"Nothing, I just- I've never seen you eat something before." He shrugged. Y/n nodded, looking down and beginning to walk again.

She was confused about it too. She suddenly felt more safer with Tyler than her own home. She felt like she could do anything with him, even eat.

"Yeah, well." Y/n shrugged, and Tyler took this opportunity to ask her an important question he'd been wanting to ask.

"I was worried about you. I kinda thought you didn't eat. Do you?" He eased. He didn't really know how to approach this kind of subject, he didn't want to offend or scare y/n in any way.

"Yes, just... just not in front of people. I get anxiety." Y/n shrugged her shoulders as if it was no big deal, even though it was the most annoying thing in her life.

"But you can eat ice cream in front of people?" Tyler questioned, and y/n giggled, shaking her head.

"No, I can eat ice cream in front of you. I don't know why but you make me feel safe, like I can do whatever I want around you." Y/n smiled.

Tyler blushed at her comment. "I'm glad. I feel the same about you."

Y/n licked her ice cream. "Well, good. Let's not ever leave each other, because it's hell to get to this point in a relationship."

"Agreed." Tyler held out his pinkie, and y/n let out a loud laugh.

"You're such a second grader." She teased, but she matched her pinkie with his regardless.

She was gonna marry this dude.


So, I sorta have the same problem as y/n. I have small phases where I don't have an appetite, and my mom worries about me. But I always get over it in a week or 2. It's not like a lifetime thing like y/n.

I also have stages where I can't sleep, but I always grow out of them and sleep fine. It's just every once and a while like the food phases.

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