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The present

Y/n dashed through the forest, the emerald green and charcoal brown branches hitting her face creating small cuts along her face. Of course, she couldn't see the emerald green or charcoal brown due to the darkness around her.


Hope you liked my little attention grabber løl might start adding those...

Warning: dark. Gun. Intruder. Gory.

Sounds super bad, but I actually liked writing it.

Words 3518


It was 10:30 at night, and all she wished was to be in her warm blankets, waiting for Tyler to get home.

But not this time.

This time she was running. Running from someone dangerous. Someone who wanted to hurt her. Badly.

She tried to hold her breath, keeping her tears limited so she could keep herself quiet.

She hid behind a tree, a little ways from the house.

Y/n glanced around frantically for somewhere to hide. She didn't know if the mysterious man followed her, but she knew she wasn't going to risk it.

Her eyes then landed on the treehouse. Yes, the treehouse Tyler built for himself. It's where he'd go to get away and become 'inspired' to write.

She took 3 big breaths before dashing forward, making a break for the ladder.

Her fingertips brushed the ladder before she was yanked back, her mouth being covered and her body being pressed against the strangers chest to keep her still—

Now, to understand the present, we are going to have to go back in time. You fine with that?

If you are then good.

If you aren't then I don't care, slimeball.


15 hours before present

Tyler snaked his arms around Y/n's waist, pulling her closer to his chest. Y/n let out a complaining moan, as she turned her body the other way.

She wasn't a morning person, and Tyler knew that. He just smiled.

He leaned down and slowly kissed her cheek. "Morning." He whispered, and without a sound she gave him a look of annoyance.

"Please, annoy me a little more." She rasped sarcastically.

Tyler let out a breathy chuckle as he poked her cheek, to which she swatted his hand away. "What? You asked me to do that!"

Y/n's eyes finally shot open, sitting up and looking at Tyler sternly. "No, I did not!"

"Yes. You said, 'please, annoy me again.' Well, not those exact words-"

"Why did you wake me up?" She interrupted, and Tyler only smiled.

"I want to spend as much time with you as I can until I have to leave at noon. I won't be home until tomorrow." He explained to her for the hundredth time that week.

Y/n nodded, finally remembering their conversation. "Right."

"So, get up, get dressed, and meet me down for breakfast. I'll make ya some French toast."

Tyler Joseph ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now