Sweating All My Sins Out

647 12 2

Warnings: drugs.

Words 2268

Description: This is based off the song 'Cringe' by Matt Maeson. You should look up the lyrics for an idea and description. The video doesn't relate to this at all.


Tyler's P.O.V.

"Can you save my heavydirtysoul!" I sing into the mic before Jøsh slams on the drums and I fall backwards straight on my back.

Pain shoots up my back once it makes contact to the ground, and I groan in pain. Not that anyone can hear me because of the loud screams.

I lay there for a minute gathering my strength, until the music cues me to sit up.

I sit on my knees and wave my hand to the crowd to sing. I slowly stand up and walk to the mic.

"CAN YOU SAVE, CAN YOU SAVE MY," I scream into the mic, which satisfyingly makes me feel better. "Can you save my heavydirtysoul!"


"We're Twenty Øne Piløts, and so are you. Goodnight!" I wave, and walk with Jøsh backstage.

Once I get backstage I break character and groan. I rub my back and neck, and my girlfriend, Y/N, comes up to rub my shoulders.

"I'm telling you, please be careful. You were down a lot longer than last time." She pleads, applying pressure on the sweet spot of my shoulders for a massage. I sink into the massage before grabbing her hands and facing her to me.

"I'm okay, I'll take some more pain pills and will be okay for tomorrow." I reassure her but she gives me a frown.

"If you didn't do it, then you wouldn't need pain pills." She pouts. I tilt my head and give her the complaining face.

"The fans love it! We already discussed this, now I have to go take a shower. You can wait in the dressing room while everyone packs things up." I quickly kiss her cheek and wipe off the sweat I left with my hand and leave her for the shower.

Once I'm in the bathroom I take out the pills and take 4. The bottle says to take 2 for my body weight, but I've changed it to 4. It just makes the results quicker and I feel more relaxed.

I take my clothes off and get in the steamy hot shower. I close my eyes and look up, letting the water run down my body.

I slightly squeeze my shoulders, and wince a little at the sore feeling.


When I get out I decide to take 2 more pills to finish off the bottle. It doesn't just relieve the pain it also relieves the stress. I feel so much better when I've had some pain killers.

It's not bad if it helps me, right?

"Y/N, we need to go get more pain killers. I'm out." I show her the bottle before throwing it in her purse.

"What? Already? We got those 2 days ago." She asks confused. My stomach twists in a knot as I think.

"Oh, I dropped some on the floor, and I didn't want to eat those. Disgusting." I scrunch  my nose and she chuckles.

Tyler Joseph ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now