
524 10 7

Warnings: none

Words 207

Description: Tyler's thoughts about Y/N. And her thoughts about Tyler.


What Tyler thinks about when he thinks of you:

1. Wow, she's so amazing and beautiful.

2. I don't deserve her.

3. I'm going to marry her so hard.

4. I just wish I could kiss every inch of her body.

5. She's a butcher with a smile.

6. She looks so peaceful when she sleeps.

7. I'm going to give her everything she needs.

8. Her laugh is so sweet. If cotton candy was a sound; then her giggle is cotton candy.

9. She's perfect.

10: I love her.

What you think about when you think of Tyler:

1. His golden honey tinted skin fits him perfectly.

2. That plaid shirt looks hot on him.

3. His smile reminds me of a cute little chipmunk. How his cheeks get a light pink hue, and his lips curve up showing off his teeth.

4. He's so caring. I am so lucky to have him.

5. I don't deserve him.

6. He's always there for me when I need him.

7. His fluffy brown hair looks hot when it's a little bit messy.

8. He has an amazing voice. It reminds me of honey.

9. his singing voice reminds me of an angel.

10. I love him


Super short and different. Just felt like writing this.

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