Pretend To Be Mind Prt 5

226 7 13

Warning: profanity.

Words 3077


Tyler roused to mumbling coming from the bathroom. It was so quiet he thought he was imagining it.

"No, dad-" he heard, but it was muffled for the rest. He knew it was y/n. Probably arguing with her father about something. Tyler's eyebrows furrowed once he heard her voice getting louder. Not with anger, but with panic. "No, dad you don't have to! I'm fine here with Tyl-" she was cut off immediately, so she shouted. "dad!"

Tyler sat up, trying to peer into the bathroom. He didn't want to seem like a creep though. It was her phone call. Y/n walked out slouching down in defeat.

"What happened?" Tyler asked quietly.

"We better get ready because my dad is coming up to see us." She sighed, and Tyler eyes went wide.

"What! why?" He panicked, but y/n shook her head.

"He said you called him, and requested him to come up." She glared at him, to which he only shook his head in surprise.

"I did nothing of the sort." Tyler defended, flinging the blanket off his legs and standing up. "And that's impossible! My phone is..." he looked around for a moment.

"Yeah right, you don't even know where it is." Y/n crossed her arms.

"No! I- I left it..." he thought hard for a moment, still feeling a bit sleepy. "I left it on the dining room table."

A hint of realization lit up his eyes. Y/n didn't seem to notice and she scoffed. "Was this your plan all along? To loop me into this shit and then just ruin it?"

Tyler ignored her criticism. "My dad..." he mumbled. His eyebrows were furrowed, deep in thought, and his lips were parted.

"What?" Y/n finally began to listen and understand.

Tyler groaned as he made his way for the door, swinging it open angrily and marching his way down the stairs.

He approached the dining room table, searching for his dad. "Honey sit down and enjoy a meal-" Kelly began but he shook her off.

"Where's dad?" He asked, trying to cover up the stern tone in his voice. Kelly looked at him confusingly, yet knowingly, pointing out back.

Tyler slid the door open, seeing his dad working on a wooden table he'd been working on for a while.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing, huh?" Tyler cursed angrily, stopping in front of him and waving his arms to express his point. "Are you trying to ruin my relationship?"

His dad sighed, taking off his clear glasses to stare at him in the eye. "What are you talking about?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about." He spat. "Now I know you might not like her as much, but I do. Don't get in the way of that."

Chris scoffed, setting down his chisel tool, that he was using to form the table. "I know." He stated. "I know about your little game you two are playing, and it's not funny."

Tyler stood there silently staring into his eyes basically daring him to explain what he knew. "Really? What do you know, huh? Tell me!"

"You guys are faking it. I don't know why but you are, and you are going to tell your mother before she gets too attached." He demanded, but Tyler just shook his head, scoffing.

"How about instead of you nosing around in my fucking business you mind your own." He pointed at him sternly. He didn't ever cuss, not unless if he was really mad. "This is the reason I moved! Because you are too caught up in my life to man your own."

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