The Girl In The Garden

610 12 5

Warnings: None

Words 1230

Description: Tyler meets this mysterious Girl In The Garden.

This is told as if he is telling someone the story. If that makes sense.


Tyler's POV

I moved to Rem Brooke when I was 17 years old. I always had a different perspective on life than most people, but the girl in the garden's perspective was so much more. It seemed as if she'd lived life and death. Does that make sense?

I'll just tell you the story, and let you decide.

The school year was stressful. No one payed attention to the new kid, which happened to be me. So, I would occasionally sneak myself to the park's garden during school hours. Just to get away.

The first time I went, there was a girl. She was under the biggest oak tree in the garden, and she looked about my age. She was beautiful, but I didn't talk to her. Now thinking back, I should've talked to her sooner.

She was probably skipping class too since she looked my age.

What I really seemed to notice is no one else seemed to care that she was there. It was as if they didn't see her, but how could that be?

Maybe she was just invisible like me.

Well, technically not invisible but people chose not to see me.

The second day I went to the park, she was in the same place. That time she had a notebook, and a pen.

I walked a little closer to her that day, and sat on the closest bench to her. I thought maybe she would notice me and come and say hi or something. She didn't.

The next day when I woke up I was determined to say hi to this girl. So when I got to school; I did at least one important class and then ditched it and ran to the garden.

Thankfully, she was there. I smiled and I began to approach her. I had those little butterflies you feel when you look at a crush. At the time I didn't really know why, I was sort of denying my feelings for her. I didn't even know the girl.

"Hello." I said, extending my shaky hand.

She looked up, and a small smile appeared on her face. Her eyes sparkled and she closed her notebook and got up.

"Hi." She shook my hand.

"I'm Tyler." I said and I tried to give her one of my best smiles. I guess that day I was feeling a bit confident and flirty.

"I'm Y/N." She giggled. It made my heart melt.

After that she invited me to sit down with her, and we talked a bit. I tried to ask her about her notebook but she said it was sort of private.

I understood that greatly, and still do to this day. Sometimes it's hard to show your creations or basically anything inside a notebook.

A few days past and we started becoming friends. I asked her why she's never at school or if she goes to a different school and is on break.

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