Pretend to be mine Prt 3

214 6 6

Warnings: profanity.

Words 3353


"Oh my gosh, dear, what happened?" Kelly asked, followed by a hum of relative questions from the family.

"She found an animal trap." Tyler amused, followed quickly by a loud chuckle from Chris, Tyler's father.

Kelly glared at her husband, and everyone just laughed making y/n duck her head down low. Tyler rubbed her back softly to reassure her.

"Why don't you go get a shower?" Tyler whispered to her. She nodded, silently making her way up the stairs and into their guest room. As she began to ascend the stairs Tyler's voice stopped her.

"Come on, guys, don't laugh at her, she was raised in the city and she was scared out of her mind." Y/n instantly smiled as she carried herself up the steps.


"She doesn't eat much, mom, it's nothing to worry about. Also she doesn't care for toast, so that's probably why she didn't eat any." Y/n heard Tyler's voice as she ventured into the dining room after a steamy shower. "She was being polite." He added, before turning his head to look at y/n. He gave her a sweet smile.

She was kinda surprised that he knew she didn't like toast. She always found it way to burnt even if it wasn't. She sat down beside Tyler, and Kelly changed the subject.

"So how are you liking this place so far, Y/n?"

Y/n shrugged absentmindedly as she stared out of the glass door. Tyler elbowed her in the arm making her jump out of her mind.

"Oh! Yes, I love it here." Y/n smiled at Kelly then Tyler. "You have a very kind family."

Kelly twisted around to look into the kitchen and then back at y/n. "I'm glad you're enjoying it here. Tomorrow is a big day, because we are having a Christmas Eve party." She began to walk backwards towards the kitchen. "You'll be able to meet possible future family!" She clapped before exiting into the kitchen, y/n guessed she was cooking dinner.

Tyler let out a long sigh, and y/n returned it with a sad smile. "I'm not ready." She spoke her mind quietly.

"Neither am I." He sighed, picking himself up from his chair and making his way to the staircase. "I'm taking a shower." He then disappeared out of y/n's view, leaving her alone in the dining room.


"Favorite song?" Y/n asked, looking up at the ceiling that night.

"Cancer from MCR. Yours is Chasing Cars from Snow Patrol." Tyler answered bluntly, not even having to think.

"You're not supposed to answer my favorite!" Y/n giggled.

"I'm right aren't I?" He questioned, and y/n hummed in agreement. He smiled softly. "Okay, favorite animal?"

"Dolphin." They both answered simultaneously, making y/n crack up laughing.

"Stop!" She gripped her sheets over her face, a blush finding its way on her cheeks. He knew everything.

Tyler chuckled. "Alright, alright."

It went silent, and y/n tried to think of something she could know about Tyler. She didn't know him as well as she thought she did, it kind of hurt her heart. She then began to think of things about herself that she was sure he didn't know.

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